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The Ivory Gate Of Dreams

O Portão de Marfim Dos Sonhos

The coldness of confusion The coldness of confusion A frieza da confusão Hangs in the morning air as Hangs in the morning air as Permanece no ar da manhã conforme os Brazen bells ring reality Brazen bells ring reality Sinos de bronze badalam realidade To announce the conqueror dawn To announce the conqueror dawn Para anunciar o conquistador do amanhecer Removed from nights fleeting trance Removed from nights fleeting trance Removido das noites de transe passageiro Plunged headlong into cold days Plunged headlong into cold days Mergulhado de cabeça para dentro de dias frios Where in a circle we wander Where in a circle we wander Aonde em um ciclo nós vagamos The barren wastes of our pasts The barren wastes of our pasts Os improdutivos desperdicios de nosso passado Daylight dreamers awaken on Daylight dreamers awaken on Sonhadores a luz do dia acordam nos Deserts of desperation Deserts of desperation Desertos de desespero Lonely lives learn to live on Lonely lives learn to live on Vidas solitárias aprendem a continuar vivendo nas Islands of isolation Islands of isolation Ilhas da isolação Surrounded by violent oceans Surrounded by violent oceans Cercado por violentos oceanos Of hate and hopeless sorrows Of hate and hopeless sorrows De ódio e tristeza sem esperança Daylight dreamers envision Daylight dreamers envision Sonhadores a luz do dia imaginam Tranquil seas in safe tomorrows Tranquil seas in safe tomorrows Mares tranquilos em amanhãs seguros Dreaming through the darkened day Dreaming through the darkened day Sonhando através do dia escurecido Along tempest torn strands Along tempest torn strands Ao longo da tempestade laços arrebentados Desperately grasping the grains Desperately grasping the grains Desesperadamente se agarram aos grãos Of hope that flit through our hands Of hope that flit through our hands Da esperança que voam por nossas mãos As they fall we tighten our hold As they fall we tighten our hold Conforme elas caem nós seguramos firmes While the waves claim the final few While the waves claim the final few Enquanto as ondas clamam os últimos Taken without ceremony Taken without ceremony Levados sem cerimonia They drift out of view They drift out of view À deriva fora de vista Washed away with the tides of time Washed away with the tides of time Carregados pelas as marés do tempo Slipped through our fingers as dreams do Slipped through our fingers as dreams do Escorregaram pelos nossos dedos assim como os sonhos fazem From sleeping visions From sleeping visions Das visões do sono Daily were torn Daily were torn Diariamente somos separados In waking hours In waking hours Nas horas que acordamos Hopes our forlorn Hopes our forlorn Nossas esperanças são abandonadas Is all we do and all we dream Is all we do and all we dream É tudo o que fazemos e o que sonhamos Doomed to drown in a hopeless stream? Doomed to drown in a hopeless stream? Condenado a se afogar numa corrente sem esperança? Wishing life were made of lasting visions Wishing life were made of lasting visions Querendo que a vida fosse feita de visões duradouras In eternal sleep In eternal sleep Num sono eterno And if that rest were filled with sorrow And if that rest were filled with sorrow E se esse descanso fosse preenchido de tristeza Still we'd sleep Still we'd sleep Ainda sim dormiríamos In the madness of a silent eternity In the madness of a silent eternity Na loucura de uma eternidade silenciosa We'd find solace in We'd find solace in Nós acharíamos consolo em False visions that protect us False visions that protect us Visões falsas que nos protegem From reality From reality Da realidade Enter ivory gates through midnight skies Enter ivory gates through midnight skies Entre nas portas de marfim através dos céus da meia-noite Daylight dreamers in private parades Daylight dreamers in private parades Sonhadores a luz do dia em desfiles privados Perform before perpetual dawn Perform before perpetual dawn Executados antes do amanhecer perpetuo As dusk engulfs the gate of horn As dusk engulfs the gate of horn Conforme o crepúsculo engole o portão de chifre Ivory towers appear beyond the gate Ivory towers appear beyond the gate Torres de marfim aparecem alem dos portões Invisible fortresses of escape Invisible fortresses of escape Invisíveis fortalezas de fuga Traversed by ramparts made of hopes and fears Traversed by ramparts made of hopes and fears Atravessado por muralhas feitas de sonhos e medos Impervious to reality Impervious to reality Impenetrável pela realidade Behind sullen doors Behind sullen doors Atrás de portas sombrias Untouched within Untouched within Intocada por dentro Sale from summer storms Sale from summer storms Venda de uma tempestade de verão And winter winds And winter winds E ventos do inverno Relentless tempests Relentless tempests Implacáveis tormentas Can weaken walls Can weaken walls Podem enfraquecer as paredes Towers falter when Towers falter when Torres perdem a força quando Reality calls Reality calls Realidade chama Untouchable by all without Untouchable by all without Intocável por todos que não se Lost in the silken web youth may weave Lost in the silken web youth may weave Perderam na suave teia que a juventude pode tecer Tangled threads seem a stronghold Tangled threads seem a stronghold Fios entrelaçados parecem uma fortaleza But illusions can deceive But illusions can deceive Mas ilusões podem enganar A cold daze plagues the air A cold daze plagues the air Um frio atordoar afligi o ar Driven by aging winds Driven by aging winds Carregado por antigos ventos The walls give way to the rush The walls give way to the rush As paredes abrem caminho para o avanço And let reality And let reality E deixam a realidade entrar Misty morning on windswept plain Misty morning on windswept plain Manhã nebulosa em uma planície varrida pelo vento Embers of a fortress all that remain Embers of a fortress all that remain Cinzas de uma fortaleza são tudo o que sobrou The seeds of life that burned within The seeds of life that burned within As sementes da vida que queimavam por dentro Have flown like whispers on the wind Have flown like whispers on the wind Voaram como sussurros no vento From the sleepers world From the sleepers world Do mundo adormecido I look toward darkening skys I look toward darkening skys Eu olho para os céus escurecidos Through the violet haze of summer storms Through the violet haze of summer storms Através da neblina violenta das tempestades de verão The sun leaves tired eyes The sun leaves tired eyes O sol deixa os olhos cansados Betrayed by innocence Betrayed by innocence Traído pela inocência Deceived by delusions Deceived by delusions Enganado pelas desilusões Plagiarized promises Plagiarized promises Promessas plagiadas Pale into empty hopes Pale into empty hopes Pálido em esperanças vazias Ivory towers bow down Ivory towers bow down Torres de marfim se ajoelham In reverence to daylight In reverence to daylight Em reverencia a luz do dia As dreamers awaken As dreamers awaken Conforme os sonhadores acordam In sleepers somber shade In sleepers somber shade Nas sombras triste dos adormecidos Ocean waves shift leaving Ocean waves shift leaving As ondas do mar mudam deixando Only memories Only memories Apenas memórias Final traces of hope Final traces of hope Traços finais de esperança Are swallowed in the deep Are swallowed in the deep São engolidos nas profundezas Despair sends a certain calm Despair sends a certain calm Desespero manda uma certa calma A vague sense of relief A vague sense of relief Uma vaga sensação de alivio Released from all our longings Released from all our longings Liberado de todos os nossos desejos Silently we'll sleep Silently we'll sleep Silenciosamente nós dormiremos Hope leads to quiet desperation Hope leads to quiet desperation Esperança leva à um quieto desespero When reality obscures the dream When reality obscures the dream Quando realidade obscurece o sonho Makes the mind a grave of memories Makes the mind a grave of memories Faz da mente um cemitério de memórias That wander like the lonely breeze That wander like the lonely breeze Que vagam como a brisa solitária Whose whispers echo through ruins rust Whose whispers echo through ruins rust Cujo os sussurros ecoam pelas ruínas enferrujadas Of towers torn and dreams turned to dust Of towers torn and dreams turned to dust De torres despedaças e sonhos transformados em pó

Composição: Jim Matheos

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