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Mesas do Tempo

Those moments of serenity Those moments of serenity Esses momentos de serenidade Those dream-like instants Those dream-like instants Esses instantes oníricos I knew I could let go I knew I could let go Eu sabia que podia deixar ir And the time would still be And the time would still be E que o tempo continuaria What once seemed so hard What once seemed so hard O que uma vez pareceu tão difícil Begins to feel so simple Begins to feel so simple Começa a parecer tão simples And what is And what is E o que é I can't comprehend I can't comprehend Não consigo compreender To be in this To be in this Estar nisto Disabled state of mind Disabled state of mind Estado mental incapacidado Unable to completely indemnify Unable to completely indemnify Incapaz de indenizar completamente All the wrongs of the time passed All the wrongs of the time passed Todos os erros de tmepos passados As the world As the world Enquanto o mundo Continues to stretch Continues to stretch Continua a se estender I still can recognize myself I still can recognize myself Ainda posso me reconhecer What should I have to be afraid of? What should I have to be afraid of? Do que eu deveria ter medo? When did I become When did I become Quando eu me tornei A potion of poison A potion of poison Uma poção de veneno? My test in courage My test in courage Meu teste de coragem Is to go through life Is to go through life É atravessar a vida To earn my blood-red stains To earn my blood-red stains Para ganhar minhas manchas cor-de-sangue

Composição: Farmakon/Lassi Paunonen

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