
Road To Rhode Island

Estrada para Rhode Island

(Both) We're off on the road to Rhode Island (Both) We're off on the road to Rhode Island (Ambos) Estamos no caminho para Rhode Island We're having the time of our lives. We're having the time of our lives. Estamos tendo o momento de nossas vidas (Stewie) Take it dog... (Stewie) Take it dog... (Stwwie) Toma lá, cão... (Brian) We're quite a pair of partners, (Brian) We're quite a pair of partners, (Brian) Nós somos um par de companheiros Just Like Thelma and Louise. Just Like Thelma and Louise. Bem como Thelma e Louise 'cept you're not six feet tall 'cept you're not six feet tall Exceto que você não tem 1,80m (Stewie) Yes, and your breasts don't reach your knees. (Stewie) Yes, and your breasts don't reach your knees. (Stewie) Aham, e seus peitos não chegam ao joelho (Brian) Give it time. (Brian) Give it time. (Brian) Dá-lhe tempo. (Both) We're off on the road to Rhode Island, (Both) We're off on the road to Rhode Island, (Ambos) Estamos no caminho para Rhode Island We're certainly going in style. We're certainly going in style. Certamente estamos indo com estilo (Brian) You're with an intellectual, who craps inside his pants. (Brian) You're with an intellectual, who craps inside his pants. (Brian) Estou com um intelectual, que faz cocô nas calças (Stewie) How dare you. At least I don't leave urine stains on all the household plants. (Stewie) How dare you. At least I don't leave urine stains on all the household plants. (Stewie) Como ousa? Pelo menos, eu não deixo manchas de urina em todas as plantas da casa. (Brian) Oh, pee jokes. (Brian) Oh, pee jokes. (Brian) Oh, piadas de mijo. (Both) We've traveled a bit and we've found, (Both) We've traveled a bit and we've found, (Ambos) Nós viajamos um bocado e descobrimos Like a masochist in Newport we're Rhode Island bound. Like a masochist in Newport we're Rhode Island bound. que como masoquistas em Newport, estamos ligados a Rhode Island ((Brian) Crazy travel conditions, huh? ((Brian) Crazy travel conditions, huh? (Brian) Condições de viagem malucas, huh? (Stewie) First class or no class (Stewie) First class or no class (Stewie) Primeira classe e nenhuma classe. (Brian) Whoa, careful with that joke, it's an antique (Brian) Whoa, careful with that joke, it's an antique (Brian) Whoa, cuidado com essa piada, é uma antiguidade. (Both) We're off on the road to Rhode Island (Both) We're off on the road to Rhode Island (Ambos) Estamos no caminho para Rhode Island We're not going to stop till we're there We're not going to stop till we're there Não vamos parar até estarmos lá (Brian) Maybe for a beer. (Brian) Maybe for a beer. (Brian) Talvez para uma cerveja. (Brian) Whatever dangers we may face, we'll never fear or cry (Brian) Whatever dangers we may face, we'll never fear or cry (Brian) Independente dos perigos que possamos encontrar, nunca vamos ter medo ou chorar (Stewie) That's right, until we're syndicated Fox will never let us die, please! (Stewie) That's right, until we're syndicated Fox will never let us die, please! (Stewie) Isso mesmo, até estarmos sindicalizados, Fox nunca nos deixará morrer, por favor! (Both) We're off on the road to Rhode Island, (Both) We're off on the road to Rhode Island, (Ambos) Estamos no caminho para Rhode Island The home of that old campus swing. The home of that old campus swing. O lar daquele antigo campus swing. (Brian) We may pick up some college girls, and picnic on the grass. (Brian) We may pick up some college girls, and picnic on the grass. (Brian) Podemos pegar algumas garotas da faculdade, e fazer piqueniques na relva (Stewie) We'd tell you more, but we'd have the censors on our ass. (Stewie) We'd tell you more, but we'd have the censors on our ass. (Stewie) Diríamos mais, mas iríamos ter a censura em nossas bundas. (Brian) Yikes! (Brian) Yikes! (Brian) Yikes! (Both) We certainly do get around. (Both) We certainly do get around. (Ambos) Nós certamente andamos por aí. Like a bunch of renegade pilgrims Like a bunch of renegade pilgrims como um bando de pelegrinos renegados Who are thrown out of Plymouth colony. Who are thrown out of Plymouth colony. expulsos da Colônia de Plymouth. We're Rhode Island bound. We're Rhode Island bound. Estamos ligados a Rhode Island. Or like a group of college freshmen Or like a group of college freshmen Ou como um grupo de calouros da faculdade who were rejected by Harvard and forced to go to Brown! who were rejected by Harvard and forced to go to Brown! que foram rejeitados por Harvard e forçados a ir para Brown! We're Rhode Island Bound.. We're Rhode Island Bound.. Estamos ligados a Rhode Island (fade out) (fade out) (fade out)

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