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Someone Else's Dream

Someone Else Sonho

(Craig Wiseman, Trey Bruce) (Craig Wiseman, Trey Bruce) (Craig Wiseman, Trey Bruce) Her momma's still got that sequin gown that she wore in '68 Her momma's still got that sequin gown that she wore in '68 Sua mamãe ainda tem aquele vestido de lantejoulas que ela usava em 68 She taught her early how to smile that smile and wave from the parade She taught her early how to smile that smile and wave from the parade Ela ensinou-lhe cedo a sorrir aquele sorriso e onda do desfile It took a whole lot of years and tears It took a whole lot of years and tears Levou um monte de anos e lágrimas For her momma to finally admit For her momma to finally admit Para ela, a mãe finalmente admitir No matter how many stitches and pins No matter how many stitches and pins Não importa quantos pontos e alfinetes That old dress was never gonna fit That old dress was never gonna fit Esse vestido velho não ia caber She was daddy's little girl She was daddy's little girl Ela era a garotinha do papai Momma's little angel Momma's little angel Anjinho da mamãe Teacher's pet, pageant queen Teacher's pet, pageant queen Animal de estimação do professor, rainha de concurso She said "All my life I've been pleasin' everyone but me, She said "All my life I've been pleasin' everyone but me, Ela disse: "Toda minha vida eu estive todos agradando, mas eu, living someone else's dream" living someone else's dream" viver é o sonho de alguém " Her daddy used to say, "You'll make a lovely bride someday Her daddy used to say, "You'll make a lovely bride someday Seu pai costumava dizer: "Você vai fazer uma linda noiva um dia He'll ride up on big white horse and just carry you away" He'll ride up on big white horse and just carry you away" Ele vai subir no cavalo branco grande e só te levam para longe " It took twenty-five years and some broken vows It took twenty-five years and some broken vows Demorou vinte e cinco anos e alguns quebrados votos Before they'd finally see Before they'd finally see Antes de eles finalmente ver There's a little more to love and life There's a little more to love and life Há um pouco mais para o amor ea vida Then fairy tales and hand me down dreams Then fairy tales and hand me down dreams Então contos de fadas e me amarrar de sonhos She was daddy's little girl She was daddy's little girl Ela era a garotinha do papai Momma's little angel Momma's little angel Anjinho da mamãe Teacher's pet, pageant queen Teacher's pet, pageant queen Animal de estimação do professor, rainha de concurso She said "All my life I've been pleasin' everyone but me, She said "All my life I've been pleasin' everyone but me, Ela disse: "Toda minha vida eu estive todos agradando, mas eu, living someone else's dream" living someone else's dream" viver é o sonho de alguém " Now she's got twenty-seven candles on her cake Now she's got twenty-seven candles on her cake Agora ela tem vinte e sete velas em seu bolo And she means to make her life her own And she means to make her life her own E ela significa para fazê-la sua própria vida Before there's twenty-eight Before there's twenty-eight Antes de há 28 She was daddy's little girl She was daddy's little girl Ela era a garotinha do papai Momma's little angel Momma's little angel Anjinho da mamãe Teacher's pet, pageant queen Teacher's pet, pageant queen Animal de estimação do professor, rainha de concurso She said "All my life I've been pleasin' everyone but me, She said "All my life I've been pleasin' everyone but me, Ela disse: "Toda minha vida eu estive todos agradando, mas eu, living someone else's dream" living someone else's dream" viver é o sonho de alguém " She was daddy's little girl She was daddy's little girl Ela era a garotinha do papai Momma's little angel Momma's little angel Anjinho da mamãe Teacher's pet, pageant queen Teacher's pet, pageant queen Animal de estimação do professor, rainha de concurso She said "All my life I've been pleasin' everyone but me, She said "All my life I've been pleasin' everyone but me, Ela disse: "Toda minha vida eu estive todos agradando, mas eu,

Composição: Craig Wiseman,trey Bruce

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