


Is it obvious to you Is it obvious to you Es obvio para usted When you walk into a room When you walk into a room Cuando entras en una habitación Your face is all I see Your face is all I see Su cara es todo lo que veo And my heart races so fast And my heart races so fast Y mi corazón late muy rápido I never knew a rush to feel like that I never knew a rush to feel like that Nunca conocí a un pico a sentir como que Every time you're touching me Every time you're touching me Cada vez que me estás tocando I never did believe in anything I never did believe in anything Yo nunca creía en nada I couldn't hold between my fingers I couldn't hold between my fingers No podía sostener entre los dedos But the way you make me feel But the way you make me feel Pero la forma en que me haces sentir It's just so real the way it lingers It's just so real the way it lingers Es tan real la manera en que se detiene [Chorus] [Chorus] [Estribillo] I get lost inside your stare I get lost inside your stare Me pierdo dentro de tu mirada Lost when you're not there Lost when you're not there Perdido cuando usted no está allí When everything I have doesn't mean a thing When everything I have doesn't mean a thing Cuando todo lo que tengo no quiere decir una cosa If it's without you If it's without you Si es sin ti If it's a dream, don't wake me up If it's a dream, don't wake me up Si se trata de un sueño, no me despierto I'll scream if this isn't love I'll scream if this isn't love Voy a gritar si no es amor If being lost means never knowing If being lost means never knowing Si se pierden los medios sin saber How it feels without you How it feels without you ¿Cómo se siente sin ti I wanna stay lost forever I wanna stay lost forever Me quiero quedar perdido para siempre I wanna stay lost forever with you I wanna stay lost forever with you Me quiero quedar perdido para siempre con ustedes No, this feeling doesn't end No, this feeling doesn't end No, este sentimiento no se termina It's with me everywhere I am It's with me everywhere I am Es a todas partes me Hope it never goes away Hope it never goes away Espero que nunca se va It's like defying gravity It's like defying gravity Es como que desafían la gravedad Losing all control and being free Losing all control and being free Perdiendo el control y ser libre And I always wanna stay And I always wanna stay Y yo siempre quiero estar I never thought that I'd let go I never thought that I'd let go Nunca pensé que me dejaría ir Long enough to fall for someone deeply Long enough to fall for someone deeply El tiempo suficiente para enamorarse de alguien profundamente Who had the power to erase my fears Who had the power to erase my fears ¿Quién tenía el poder de borrar mis miedos And find me so completely And find me so completely Y me parece tan completo [Chorus] [Chorus] [Estribillo] I get lost inside your stare I get lost inside your stare Me pierdo dentro de tu mirada Lost when you're not there Lost when you're not there Perdido cuando usted no está allí When everything I have doesn't mean a thing When everything I have doesn't mean a thing Cuando todo lo que tengo no quiere decir una cosa If it's without you If it's without you Si es sin ti If it's a dream, don't wake me up If it's a dream, don't wake me up Si se trata de un sueño, no me despierto I'll scream if this isn't love I'll scream if this isn't love Voy a gritar si no es amor If bein' lost means never knowin' If bein' lost means never knowin' Si bein 'perdido significa que nunca sabiendo " How it feels without you How it feels without you ¿Cómo se siente sin ti I wanna stay lost forever I wanna stay lost forever Me quiero quedar perdido para siempre I wanna stay lost forever with you I wanna stay lost forever with you Me quiero quedar perdido para siempre con ustedes Don't tell me where we're goin' Don't tell me where we're goin' No me digan donde está goin ' I don't wanna know I don't wanna know No quiero saber I like the mystery (I like the mystery) I like the mystery (I like the mystery) Me gusta el misterio (me gusta el misterio) I can't believe we've come this far I can't believe we've come this far No puedo creer que hemos llegado tan lejos So far away from where we started off So far away from where we started off Tan lejos de donde partimos You found me when I wasn't looking You found me when I wasn't looking Usted me encontró a mí cuando yo no estaba mirando You found me You found me Usted me encontró [Chorus] [Chorus] [Estribillo] And now I'm lost inside your stare And now I'm lost inside your stare Y ahora estoy perdido dentro de tu mirada Lost when you're not there Lost when you're not there Perdido cuando usted no está allí And everything I have doesn't mean a thing And everything I have doesn't mean a thing Y todo lo que tengo no quiere decir una cosa If it's without you If it's without you Si es sin ti Without you Without you sin ti If it's a dream If it's a dream Si se trata de un sueño Don't wake me up Don't wake me up No me despiertes I'll scream if this isn't love I'll scream if this isn't love Voy a gritar si no es amor If being lost means never knowing If being lost means never knowing Si se pierden los medios sin saber How it feels without you How it feels without you ¿Cómo se siente sin ti Yeah, if being lost means never knowing Yeah, if being lost means never knowing Sí, nunca si se pierde significa saber How it feels without you How it feels without you ¿Cómo se siente sin ti Oh, if being lost means that I'm never Oh, if being lost means that I'm never ¡Oh, si se pierde significa que nunca me Gonna be without you Gonna be without you Va a estar sin ti I wanna stay lost forever I wanna stay lost forever Me quiero quedar perdido para siempre I wanna stay lost forever with you I wanna stay lost forever with you Me quiero quedar perdido para siempre con ustedes

Composição: Mitch Allan/Kara DioGuardi

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