
Lost In The Dark Lands

Perdido Nas Terras Negras

The power balance has failed The power balance has failed O equilíbrio do poder falhou and death is stronger than us and death is stronger than us E a morte é mais forte que nós The dark lord finaly returns to Eldergrave The dark lord finaly returns to Eldergrave O lorde das trevas finalmente retorna a Eldergrave The nightmare came with the evil lord The nightmare came with the evil lord O pesadelo chegou com o lorde maligno The shadow falls on Osyrhia The shadow falls on Osyrhia As sombras caem em Osyrhia We fighted with our might We fighted with our might Nós lutamos com nossa força No anger for the light No anger for the light Sem ódio para a luz The shadow falls on Osyrhia The shadow falls on Osyrhia As sombras caem em Osyrhia The endless walk through the night The endless walk through the night A caminhada infinita através da noite where we belong at last where we belong at last De onde nós pertencemos afinal We're doomed to slavery We're doomed to slavery Estamos condenados à escravidão no one can save us now no one can save us now Ninguém pode nos salvar agora Enter the kingdom of terror Enter the kingdom of terror Começa o reino de terror (Bridge) (Bridge) (Passagem) Till the end we will stand brave Till the end we will stand brave Até o fim resistiremos bravamente (Chorus) (Chorus) (Refrão) Lost in the dark lands where no one resists Lost in the dark lands where no one resists Perdidos nas terras negras onde ninguém resiste The free men are enslaved, no light The free men are enslaved, no light Os homens livres estão escravizados, sem luz Betrayed by chaos when hope turns to dust Betrayed by chaos when hope turns to dust Traídos pelo caos quando a esperança Transforma-se em pó The armies of freedom are lost The armies of freedom are lost Os exércitos da liberdade estão perdidos What will be our fate at the end of our path? What will be our fate at the end of our path? Qual será nosso destino ao fim de nosso caminho? Will we be reduced to mere memories? Will we be reduced to mere memories? Será reduzido a meras memórias? There's nothing now but despair There's nothing now but despair Não há nada agora senão desespero our lives weere gambled and lost our lives weere gambled and lost Nossas vidas foram apostadas e perdidas The tower of destiny will decide our fate The tower of destiny will decide our fate A torre do destino irá decidir nossa sorte The nightmare came with the evil lord The nightmare came with the evil lord O pesadelo chegou com o lorde maligno The shadow falls on Osyrhia The shadow falls on Osyrhia As sombras caem em Osyrhia We fighted with our might We fighted with our might Nós lutamos com nossa força No anger for the light No anger for the light Sem ódio para a luz The shadow falls on Osyrhia The shadow falls on Osyrhia As sombras caem em Osyrhia Blessed are the ones who died Blessed are the ones who died Abençoados sejam aqueles que morreram for them all this over for them all this over Por eles tudo isso está terminado This pain is our price This pain is our price Esta dor é nosso preço for serving all we've loved for serving all we've loved Por servir todos aqueles que nós amamos And shadow falls on Osyrhia And shadow falls on Osyrhia E as sombras caem em Osyrhia The kingdom is lost in the sands of time The kingdom is lost in the sands of time O reino está perdido nas areias do tempo Never turn you back on me again Never turn you back on me again Nunca vire suas costas para mim novamente Never turn you back on me again Never turn you back on me again Nunca vire suas costas para mim novamente Forlorn and lost Forlorn and lost Abandonados e perdidos Suffering all day Suffering all day Sofrendo o dia todo The slaves forever bound to Eldergrave The slaves forever bound to Eldergrave Os escravos eternamente amarrados a Eldergrave Dakened shadows, fears unspoken Dakened shadows, fears unspoken Sombras escurecidas, temores não mencionados Thousand men lost in the dark lands Thousand men lost in the dark lands Milhares de homens perdidos nas terras negras On the path to hell so many died On the path to hell so many died No caminho para o inferno tantos morreram (Bridge) (Bridge) (Passagem) Till the end we will stand brave Till the end we will stand brave Até o fim resistiremos bravamente (Chorus) (Chorus) (Refrão) Lost in the dark lands where no one resists Lost in the dark lands where no one resists Perdidos nas terras negras onde ninguém resiste The free men are enslaved, no light The free men are enslaved, no light Os homens livres estão escravizados, sem luz Betrayed by chaos when hope turns to dust Betrayed by chaos when hope turns to dust Traídos pelo caos quando a esperança Transforma-se em pó The armies of freedom are lost The armies of freedom are lost Os exércitos da liberdade estão perdidos

Composição: Fairyland/Philippe Giordana

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