confined i'm confined confined i'm confined limitado eu sou limitado straightjacket straightjacket camosa-de-força strapped to my side strapped to my side amarrada a meu lado entangled in cobweb entangled in cobweb emaranhada em teia de aranha in motion i'm bound in motion i'm bound eu sou amarrado em movimento in suspense in suspense em expectativa seclusion alternates seclusion alternates substitutos da exclusão only between hope only between hope somente entre a esperança and delusion and delusion e ilusão a victim of substance a victim of substance uma vítima de substância an anchored prey an anchored prey uma presa ancorada who will not live who will not live que não viverá to see the day to see the day para ver o dia the devil lies below the devil lies below o diabo mente por abaixo i am deprived i am deprived eu sou privado light blinding light blinding encobrindo a luz in my eye in my eye em meu olho he uncoils his claws he uncoils his claws ele desenrola suas garras and clasps my nature and clasps my nature e prende minha natureza and to grasp my soul and to grasp my soul e agarra minha alma he stretches his life out within: he stretches his life out within: ele estende sua própria vida fora: in trade for freedom in trade for freedom em comércio para liberdade in change for designs in change for designs em mudança para desígnios his demons consume his demons consume os demônios dele consomem the death sedative the death sedative o sedativo de morte i see them fly i see them fly eu os vejo voar through the sun through the sun pelo sol of my eye of my eye de meu olho then comes the way then comes the way então vem o modo he sidles along he sidles along ele se move para o lado quietly listen quietly listen escute quieto into the deep into the deep no fundo mouth of the venom mouth of the venom a boca do veneno planting his teeth in planting his teeth in plantando os dentes dele dentro the poison remedy the poison remedy o remédio do veneno while demons swarm while demons swarm enquanto demônios enxaminam