
Golden Ring

batida del ouro

He gave to you a golden ring; He gave to you a golden ring; Él le dio a usted un anillo de oro; It made you happy, it made you sing. It made you happy, it made you sing. Se te hizo feliz, que te hizo cantar. And I played for you on my guitar; And I played for you on my guitar; Y jugué por ti en mi guitarra; It didn't last long, we didn't go far. It didn't last long, we didn't go far. No duró mucho, no fue muy lejos. And though the times have changed, And though the times have changed, Y aunque los tiempos han cambiado, We're rearranged. We're rearranged. Estamos reorganizado. Will the ties that bind remain the same? Will the ties that bind remain the same? ¿Los lazos que unen a seguir siendo el mismo? You came around after a while; You came around after a while; Usted dio la vuelta después de un tiempo; Everyone said that I made you smile. Everyone said that I made you smile. Todo el mundo dice que te hice sonreír. It all went well, and suddenly then It all went well, and suddenly then Todo ha ido bien, y de repente You heard that he would marry again. You heard that he would marry again. Ya has oído que iba a casarse de nuevo. Chorus Chorus Coro Well I know that I have been here before; Well I know that I have been here before; Bien sé que he estado aquí antes; I've trod on your wings, I've opened the door. I've trod on your wings, I've opened the door. He pisado en tus alas, he abierto la puerta. If I gave to you a golden ring If I gave to you a golden ring Si he dado a usted un anillo de oro Would I make you happy, would I make you sing? Would I make you happy, would I make you sing? ¿Me hará feliz, voy a hacerte cantar? Chorus Chorus Coro Chorus Chorus Coro

Composição: Eric Clapton

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