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Golden Ring

Anel de ouro

He gave to you a golden ring; He gave to you a golden ring; ele te deu um anel de ouro It made you happy, it made you sing. It made you happy, it made you sing. e isso te fez feliz te fez cantar And I played for you on my guitar; And I played for you on my guitar; e eu toquei pra você na minha guitarra It didn't last long, we didn't go far. It didn't last long, we didn't go far. mas não durou muito não foi muito longe And though the times have changed, And though the times have changed, e apesar dos tempos terem mudado We're rearranged. We're rearranged. fizemos novos arranjos Will the ties that bind remain the same? Will the ties that bind remain the same? mas será que os laços que prendem continuarão os mesmos? You came around after a while; You came around after a while; aí então você apareceu depois de passado algum tempo Everyone said that I made you smile. Everyone said that I made you smile. todo mundo dizia que eu te havia feito sorrir It all went well, and suddenly then It all went well, and suddenly then tudo foi bem mas de repente então You heard that he would marry again. You heard that he would marry again. você ficou sabendo que ele iria se casar novamente Chorus Chorus Refrão Well I know that I have been here before; Well I know that I have been here before; mas eu sei que eu já estive aqui antes I've trod on your wings, I've opened the door. I've trod on your wings, I've opened the door. eu já pisei os seus caminhos eu já abri a sua porta If I gave to you a golden ring If I gave to you a golden ring por isso se eu te desse um anel de ouro Would I make you happy, would I make you sing? Would I make you happy, would I make you sing? eu te faria feliz? eu te faria cantar? Chorus Chorus Refrão Chorus Chorus Refrão

Composição: Eric Clapton

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