
Omega - Sovereign Of The Sun Spheres

Omega - Soberano Das Esferas Solares

[Part I - The Omega Point] [Part I - The Omega Point] [Parte I: O Ponto Omega] Enigmas of the universe Enigmas of the universe Enigmas do universo Cannot be known without a search Cannot be known without a search Não pode ser conhecido sem uma pesquisa We will find out that all roads lead to om We will find out that all roads lead to om Vamos descobrir que todos os caminhos levam ao Om To know the wonder of the soul To know the wonder of the soul Para conhecer a maravilha da alma We should go with the cosmic flow We should go with the cosmic flow Devemos ir com o fluxo cósmico Life is a labyrinth Life is a labyrinth A vida é um labirinto Find your way home Find your way home Encontre o seu caminho para casa Rise with me Rise with me Ascenda comigo Transcend the shifting maze Transcend the shifting maze Transcenda o labirinto mutante Day and night Day and night Dia e noite We hunt for answers hiding deep inside We hunt for answers hiding deep inside Procuramos respostas escondidas bem no fundo Dark and light Dark and light Escuro e claro These are the ends we can't unite These are the ends we can't unite Esses são os fins que não podemos unir (We can't unite) (We can't unite) (Não podemos nos unir) Black and white Black and white Preto e branco Will free the way for us to see Will free the way for us to see Vai abrir o caminho para nós vermos That we are dancing in duality That we are dancing in duality Que estamos dançando na dualidade Expose the corners of the mind Expose the corners of the mind Exponha os cantos da mente To scour edges of the sky To scour edges of the sky Para limpar as bordas do céu But don't fly higher than you dare to fall But don't fly higher than you dare to fall Mas não voe mais alto do que você ousa cair The truth lies buried under dark The truth lies buried under dark A verdade está enterrada sob a escuridão Yet souls do rise from cosmic heart Yet souls do rise from cosmic heart No entanto, as almas surgem do coração cósmico A brush of red and white, celestial art A brush of red and white, celestial art Um pincel de vermelho e branco, arte celestial Rise with me Rise with me Ascenda comigo Before the end of days Before the end of days Antes do fim dos dias Day and night Day and night Dia e noite We hunt for answers hiding deep inside We hunt for answers hiding deep inside Procuramos respostas escondidas bem no fundo Dark and light Dark and light Escuro e claro These are the ends we can't unite These are the ends we can't unite Esses são os fins que não podemos unir (We can't unite) (We can't unite) (Não podemos nos unir) Black and white Black and white Preto e branco Will free the way for us to see Will free the way for us to see Vai abrir o caminho para nós vermos That we are dancing in duality That we are dancing in duality Que estamos dançando na dualidade [Part II - The Hounds Of The Barrier] [Part II - The Hounds Of The Barrier] [Parte II: Os Cães da Barreira] Ravenous hounds of the barrier Ravenous hounds of the barrier Cães vorazes da barreira In wait to devour our souls In wait to devour our souls À espera de devorar nossas almas Alpha Alpha Alfa Defend by force Defend by force Defender pela força Omega Omega Ómega Do not cross Do not cross Não ultrapasse Alpha Alpha Alfa Don't defy me Don't defy me Não me desafie Omega Omega Ómega Embrace your fears Embrace your fears Abrace seus medos Higher Higher Alto Reaching for the sky Reaching for the sky Alcançando o céu Driven by the nature of desire Driven by the nature of desire Impulsionado pela natureza do desejo Craving for more Craving for more Desejando mais Ignorance will fertilize the liar Ignorance will fertilize the liar A ignorância fertilizará o mentiroso Living on the edge Living on the edge Vivendo no limite Guided by the fools that we admire Guided by the fools that we admire Guiados pelos tolos que admiramos Just listen to me Just listen to me Apenas me escute Listen to that guide inside of thee Listen to that guide inside of thee Ouça aquele guia dentro de você [Part III - The Apocalypse Of The Illuminated Soul] [Part III - The Apocalypse Of The Illuminated Soul] [Parte III: O Apocalipse da Alma Iluminada] Primordial force Primordial force Força primordial Sound of the universe Sound of the universe Som do universo An inner journey to be made An inner journey to be made Uma jornada interior a ser feita Another ego is at stake Another ego is at stake Outro ego está em jogo A revelation for the soul tonight A revelation for the soul tonight Uma revelação para a alma esta noite Rise with me Rise with me Ascenda comigo Before the light decays Before the light decays Antes que a luz desapareça Day and night Day and night Dia e noite We hunt for answers hiding deep inside We hunt for answers hiding deep inside Procuramos respostas escondidas bem no fundo Dark and light Dark and light Escuro e claro These are the ends we can't unite These are the ends we can't unite Esses são os fins que não podemos unir (We can't unite) (We can't unite) (Não podemos nos unir) Black and white Black and white Preto e branco Revere the path we can ascend Revere the path we can ascend Reverencie o caminho que podemos ascender And spiral towards oneness in the end And spiral towards oneness in the end E espiralar em direção à unidade no final We will last forever We will last forever Vamos durar para sempre As our essence never dies As our essence never dies Como nossa essência nunca morre Find the deep buried wisdom Find the deep buried wisdom Encontre a sabedoria profundamente enterrada As you go on your way As you go on your way Conforme você segue seu caminho (Go on your way) (Go on your way) (Siga seu caminho) Open your senses Open your senses Abra seus sentidos (Your senses) (Your senses) (Seus sentidos) Reach out and you shall receive Reach out and you shall receive Estenda a mão e você receberá

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