Nos rapti sumus aut tamen raptores? Nos rapti sumus aut tamen raptores? O gado são os caçadores? On to battle On to battle Para a batalha Here we are the hunters Here we are the hunters Somos os caçadores Red as fire Red as fire Vermelho como fogo Crimson Bow and Arrow Crimson Bow and Arrow Arco e flecha carmesim Waiting for the storm won't help you Waiting for the storm won't help you Esperar pela tempestade não irá te ajudar Just the will to fight can change you Just the will to fight can change you Apenas a vontade de lutar pode te mudar Clean your weapons, blow the dust off Clean your weapons, blow the dust off Limpe suas armas, assopre a poeira Fear and prayers will never save us Fear and prayers will never save us Medo e orações nunca irão nos salvar We can't hide our pride behind fear We can't hide our pride behind fear Não podemos esconder nosso orgulho atras do medo We will not let them be this near We will not let them be this near Não deixaremos eles chegarem tão perto In the end our strength unites us In the end our strength unites us No fim nossas forças nos unem Just the will to fight will save us Just the will to fight will save us Só a vontade de lutar irá nos salvar No, we will never ever fail No, we will never ever fail Não, não iremos nunca falhar We stand up and we fight for the moment of the truth We stand up and we fight for the moment of the truth Nos levantamos e lutamos pelo momento da verdade Stand up and fight for their demise Stand up and fight for their demise Levante-se e lute para o fim deles We won't surrender We won't surrender Não iremos nos render Day and night dividing the legions Day and night dividing the legions Dia e noite dividindo as legiões Ignorance will show its weakness Ignorance will show its weakness Ignorância irá mostrar sua fraqueza Lasting peace an abandoned illusion Lasting peace an abandoned illusion Paz duradoura é uma ilusão abandonada Blinded by trust in a twilight zone Blinded by trust in a twilight zone Cego pela confiança em uma zona crepuscular Day and night disguising their secrets Day and night disguising their secrets Dia e noite disfarçando seus segredos Ignorance will kill the fearless Ignorance will kill the fearless Ignorância irá matar o destemido Offerings of reckless courage Offerings of reckless courage Ofertas de coragem imprudente Freedom for us all Freedom for us all Liberdade para todos nós On to battle On to battle Para a batalha Here we are the hunters Here we are the hunters Somos os caçadores Red as fire Red as fire Vermelho como fogo Fear the bow Fear the bow Tema o arco The humility of imprisonment The humility of imprisonment A humildade do aprisionamento Fight with crimson bow and arrow Fight with crimson bow and arrow Lute com o arco e flecha carmesim Far away from the solemn castle walls Far away from the solemn castle walls Longe das solenes muralhas do castelo Jäger's hunting prey to death now Jäger's hunting prey to death now Jäger caça suas presas até a morte, agora Diving into the instincts of the night Diving into the instincts of the night Mergulhando nos instintos da noite Red is piercing through the twilight Red is piercing through the twilight Vermelho está perfurando através do crepúsculo Soldiers with their wings of freedom will attack Soldiers with their wings of freedom will attack Soldados com suas asas da liberdade irão atacar Free the unrelenting slaves right now Free the unrelenting slaves right now Liberte os escravos implacáveis agora mesmo Right now! Right now! Agora mesmo! Not knowing the names of our Not knowing the names of our Sem saber os nomes de nossas Broken trees and the trampled flowers Broken trees and the trampled flowers Árvores quebras e das flores pisoteadas The fallen bird awaits the breeze The fallen bird awaits the breeze Os pássaros caídos esperam pela briza No one will guide you No one will guide you Ninguém irá te guiar Everlasting calm of the herds Everlasting calm of the herds Eterna calmaria do rebanho It is but a vast illusion It is but a vast illusion Nada mais é do que uma vasta ilusão Failing freedom of our dying wolves Failing freedom of our dying wolves Liberdade falha de nossos lobos moribundos Marks the era of confusion Marks the era of confusion Marcam a era da confusão Praying won't help Praying won't help Rezar não ajudará Freedom and our way of life Freedom and our way of life Liberdade e nossa maneira de viver These are but a vast illusion These are but a vast illusion Nada mais são do que uma vasta ilusão Fight for your land Fight for your land Lute por sua terra When the darkness hits our crying wolves When the darkness hits our crying wolves Quando a escuridão acerta nossos lobos chorando It marks the era of conclusion It marks the era of conclusion Isso marca a era da conclusão Those who only complain about their helplessness will not change a thing Those who only complain about their helplessness will not change a thing Aqueles que apenas reclamam sobre seus desamparos não irão mudar nada The boy will pick up the black sword The boy will pick up the black sword O garoto irá pegar a espada negra Hate and anger are a two-edged blade Hate and anger are a two-edged blade Ódio e fúria são uma lâmina de dois gumes And soon it will show its teeth And soon it will show its teeth E logo mostrará suas presas All that ends this brutal game is not the weapon nor the skill All that ends this brutal game is not the weapon nor the skill Tudo que acaba este jogo brutal não é a arma nem a habilidade Reach out for the desire and awaken your will to kill Reach out for the desire and awaken your will to kill Alcance o desejo e acorde sua vontade de matar Go and free your mind. Immerse yourself in unstoppable killer instinct Go and free your mind. Immerse yourself in unstoppable killer instinct Vá e liberte sua mente imerja-se em um imparável instinto matador Bring back the hope, illuminate the darkness Bring back the hope, illuminate the darkness Traga de volta a esperança, ilumine a escuridão Stand up and fight for their demise Stand up and fight for their demise Levante e lute para o fim deles We won't surrender now We won't surrender now Não iremos nos render Enthrone the evil in disguise Enthrone the evil in disguise Agora entronize o demônio disfarçado You can't defend her You can't defend her Você não pode defendê-la Day and night dividing the legions Day and night dividing the legions Dia e noite dividindo legiões Ignorance will show its weakness Ignorance will show its weakness Ignorância irá mostrar sua fraqueza Lasting peace an abandoned illusion Lasting peace an abandoned illusion Paz duradoura é uma ilusão abandonada Blinded by trust in a twilight zone Blinded by trust in a twilight zone Cego pela confiança em uma zona crepuscular Day and night disguising their secrets Day and night disguising their secrets Dia e noite disfarçando seus segredos Ignorance will kill the fearless Ignorance will kill the fearless Ignorância irá matar o destemido Offerings of reckless courage Offerings of reckless courage Ofertas de coragem imprudente Freedom for us all Freedom for us all Liberdade para todos nós!! On to battle On to battle Para a batalha Here we are the hunters Here we are the hunters Nós somos os caçadores Red as fire Red as fire Vermelho como fogo Crimson Bow and Arrow Crimson Bow and Arrow Arco e flecha carmesim On the battle On the battle Para a batalha Here we die as heroes Here we die as heroes Aqui morremos como heróis Red as fire Red as fire Vermelho como fogo Hearts will bleed to death Hearts will bleed to death Corações sangrarão até a morte