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Anywhere Is

Em qualquer lugar está

I walk the maze of moments I walk the maze of moments Eu percorro o labirinto dos momentos But everywhere I turn to begins a new beginning But everywhere I turn to begins a new beginning Mas para qualquer lugar que eu me volto começa um novo começo But never finds a finish But never finds a finish Mas nunca se encontra um final. I walk to the horizon I walk to the horizon Eu caminho para o horizonte And there I find another And there I find another E lá eu encontro um outro [começo]. It all seems so surprising It all seems so surprising Tudo parece tão surpreendente And then I find that I know And then I find that I know E então eu descubro que sei. Chorus: Chorus: Coro: You go there you're gone forever You go there you're gone forever Você vai até lá, você se foi para sempre. I go there I'll lose my way I go there I'll lose my way Eu vou até lá, vou perder meu caminho. If we stay here we're not together If we stay here we're not together Se nós permanecermos aqui, não estaremos juntos Anywhere Is Anywhere Is Em qualquer lugar está... The moon upon the ocean The moon upon the ocean A lua sobre o oceano Is swept around in motion Is swept around in motion É arrebatada ao redor em movimento, But without ever knowing But without ever knowing Mas sem jamais saber The reason for its flowing The reason for its flowing A razão de seu curso. In motion on the ocean In motion on the ocean Em movimento sobre o oceano, The moon still keeps on moving The moon still keeps on moving A lua ainda continua se movendo, The waves still keep on waving The waves still keep on waving As ondas ainda continuam ondulando, And I still keep on going And I still keep on going E eu ainda continuo avançando... Chorus Chorus Coro I wonder if the stars sign I wonder if the stars sign Eu me pergunto se as estrelas indicam the life that is to be mine the life that is to be mine A vida que é para ser minha. And would they let their light shine And would they let their light shine E elas deixariam que sua luz brilhasse Enough for me to follow Enough for me to follow O suficiente para que eu seguisse? I look up to the heavens I look up to the heavens Eu levanto os olhos para os céus But night has clouded over But night has clouded over Mas a noite tornou-se nublada acima. No spark of constellation No spark of constellation Nenhuma centelha de constelação, No Vela no Orion No Vela no Orion Nem Vela, nem Órion. [1] The shells upon the warm sands The shells upon the warm sands As conchas sobre as areias quentes Have taken from their own lands Have taken from their own lands Têm trazido de suas próprias terras The echo Of Their Story The echo Of Their Story O eco de suas histórias. But All I hear are low sounds But All I hear are low sounds Mas tudo que ouço são sons baixos As pillow words are weaving As pillow words are weaving Como se palavras no travesseiro estivessem se entrelaçando And willow waves are leaving And willow waves are leaving E as agitações de salgueiros estivessem dando folhas. But should I be believing But should I be believing Mas eu deveria estar acreditando That I am only dreaming That I am only dreaming Que estou apenas sonhando ? Chorus Chorus Coro To leave the thread of all time To leave the thread of all time Para abandonar a linha de todo o tempo And let it make a dark line And let it make a dark line e deixar que se torne um risco escuro, In hopes That I can Still Find In hopes That I can Still Find Com esperanças que eu ainda possa encontrar The way back to the moment The way back to the moment O caminho de volta ao momento [que] I took the turn and turned to I took the turn and turned to Eu tomei o desvio e me virei Begin a new beginning Begin a new beginning Para começar um novo começo. Still looking for the answer Still looking for the answer Ainda procurando pela resposta I cannot find the finish I cannot find the finish Não consigo encontrar o final. It's either this or that way It's either this or that way É este ou aquele caminho, It's one way or the other It's one way or the other É um caminho ou o outro. It should be one direction It should be one direction Deveria ser uma direção, It could be on reflection It could be on reflection Poderia estar na imagem refletida The turn I have just taken The turn I have just taken O desvio que eu acabei de tomar, The turn that I was making The turn that I was making O desvio que eu estava fazendo. I might be just beginning I might be just beginning Eu poderia estar simplesmente começando I might be near the end. I might be near the end. Eu poderia estar perto do final...

Composição: Enya/Roma Ryan

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