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Eternal Wait

Espera eterna

Over the forgotten sea Over the forgotten sea Sobre o mar esquecido Voice of angel is calling for me Voice of angel is calling for me Uma voz de anjo me chama Somewhere where the mountains collide Somewhere where the mountains collide Em algum lugar onde as montanhas colidem That's where I'll find my new life That's where I'll find my new life Este é o lugar onde eu encontrarei minha vida nova I have carried this burden so long for you I have carried this burden so long for you Eu tenho levado essa carga tão longe por você that nothing but sorrow I feel that nothing but sorrow I feel que não me senti arrependido I have let myself believe I have let myself believe Eu tenho deixado-me acredite that nothing would hurt deeper than the truth that nothing would hurt deeper than the truth que nada feriria mais profundo do que a verdade Never has the wind blown like thousand years ago Never has the wind blown like thousand years ago Nunca teremos o vento soprando como a mil anos Everything that I've known has left me on my own Everything that I've known has left me on my own Tudo que eu soube deixou-me no meus próprios Never have I felt the rain fall down like the burning flames Never have I felt the rain fall down like the burning flames Eu senti a chuva cair como as chamas ardentes All I see is the face of eternal wait All I see is the face of eternal wait Tudo que eu vejo é a face da espera eterna I hear your silent cry I hear your silent cry Eu ouço seu choro silencioso lost in the rainy night lost in the rainy night perdido na noite chuvosa No reason to live for No reason to live for Nenhuma razão para viver one reason to die for one reason to die for uma razão para morrer I am the one who has fallen into the path of shadows I am the one who has fallen into the path of shadows Eu sou esse que caiu no caminho das sombras (and that road never seems to end) (and that road never seems to end) (e essa estrada nunca parece terminar) I am the one who has drowned into the river of tears I am the one who has drowned into the river of tears Eu sou esse que afogou-se no rio de lagrimas

Composição: Jari Mäenpää/Markus Toivonen

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