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We Don't Talk About Bruno

Nós Não Falamos Sobre o Bruno

We don't talk about Bruno, no, no, no We don't talk about Bruno, no, no, no Nós não falamos sobre o Bruno, não, não, não We don't talk about Bruno, but We don't talk about Bruno, but Nós não falamos sobre o Bruno, mas It was my wedding day (it was our wedding day) It was my wedding day (it was our wedding day) Era dia do meu casamento (era dia do nosso casamento) We were getting ready We were getting ready Nós estávamos nos preparando And there wasn't a cloud in the sky (no clouds allowed in the sky) And there wasn't a cloud in the sky (no clouds allowed in the sky) E não havia uma nuvem no céu (nenhuma nuvem permitida no céu) Bruno walks in with a mischievous grin (thunder) Bruno walks in with a mischievous grin (thunder) Bruno chega com um sorriso maldoso (trovão) You telling this story, or am I? You telling this story, or am I? É você que está contando essa história ou sou eu? I'm sorry, mi vida, go on I'm sorry, mi vida, go on Desculpa, minha vida, continue Bruno says: It looks like rain (why did he tell us?) Bruno says: It looks like rain (why did he tell us?) Bruno diz: Parece que vai chover (por que ele nos disse isso?) In doing so, he floods my brain In doing so, he floods my brain Ao fazer isso, ele inundou minha mente Abuela, get the umbrellas Abuela, get the umbrellas Abuela, pegue os guarda-chuvas Married in a hurricane Married in a hurricane Me casei num furacão What a joyous day, but anyway What a joyous day, but anyway Que dia ótimo, mas de qualquer forma We don't talk about Bruno, no, no, no We don't talk about Bruno, no, no, no Nós não falamos sobre o Bruno, não, não, não We don't talk about Bruno We don't talk about Bruno Nós não falamos sobre o Bruno Hey, grew to live in fear of Bruno stuttering or stumbling Hey, grew to live in fear of Bruno stuttering or stumbling Ei, acabei ficando com medo do Bruno gaguejando ou tropeçando I can always hear him sort of muttering and mumbling I can always hear him sort of muttering and mumbling Eu sempre consigo ouvi-lo meio que murmurando e resmungando I associate him with the sound of falling sand (ch-ch-ch) I associate him with the sound of falling sand (ch-ch-ch) Eu associo ele com o som de areia caindo (tss-tss-tss) It's a heavy lift with a gift so humbling It's a heavy lift with a gift so humbling É um fardo pesado com um dom tão humilhante Always left Abuela and the family fumbling Always left Abuela and the family fumbling Ele sempre deixava a Abuela e a família aos pedaços Grappling with prophecies they couldn't understand Grappling with prophecies they couldn't understand Lutando contra profecias que não conseguiam entender Do you understand? Do you understand? Você consegue entender? A seven-foot frame, rats along his back A seven-foot frame, rats along his back Dois metros de altura, ratos em suas costas When he calls your name it all fades to black When he calls your name it all fades to black Quando ele chama seu nome, tudo se torna preto Yeah, he sees your dreams and feasts on your screams (hey) Yeah, he sees your dreams and feasts on your screams (hey) Sim, ele vê seus sonhos e se alimenta com seus gritos (ei) We don't talk about Bruno, no, no, no We don't talk about Bruno, no, no, no Nós não falamos sobre o Bruno, não, não, não We don't talk about Bruno We don't talk about Bruno Nós não falamos sobre o Bruno He told me my fish would die, the next day, dead (no, no) He told me my fish would die, the next day, dead (no, no) Ele me contou que meu peixe morreria, no dia seguinte, morto (não, não) He told me I'd grow a gut and just like he said (no, no) He told me I'd grow a gut and just like he said (no, no) Ele me contou que minha pança cresceria e foi exatamente como ele disse (não, não) He said that all my hair would disappear He said that all my hair would disappear Ele disse que todo o meu cabelo iria desaparecer Now, look at my head (no, no) Now, look at my head (no, no) Agora, olhe pra minha cabeça (não, não) Your fate is sealed when your prophecy is read Your fate is sealed when your prophecy is read Seu destino está selado quando a sua profecia é lida He told me that the life of my dreams He told me that the life of my dreams Ele me contou que a vida dos meus sonhos Would be promised, and someday be mine Would be promised, and someday be mine Seria prometida, e um dia seria minha He told me that my power would grow He told me that my power would grow Ele me disse que meu poder cresceria Like the grapes that thrive on the vine (oye, Mariano's on his way) Like the grapes that thrive on the vine (oye, Mariano's on his way) Como as uvas que crescem nas vinhas (ei, o Mariano está a caminho) He told me that the man of my dreams He told me that the man of my dreams Ele me contou que o homem dos meus sonhos Would be just out of reach Would be just out of reach Estaria fora do alcance Betrothed to another Betrothed to another Destinado a outra pessoa It's like I hear him, now It's like I hear him, now É como se eu ouvisse ele agora Hey, sis, I want not a sound out of you (it's like I hear him, now) Hey, sis, I want not a sound out of you (it's like I hear him, now) Ei irmã, eu não quero ouvir um pio de você (é como se eu ouvisse ele agora) I can hear him, now I can hear him, now Eu consigo ouvir ele agora Hm, Bruno Hm, Bruno Hm, Bruno Yeah, about that Bruno Yeah, about that Bruno Sim, sobre esse Bruno I really need to know about Bruno I really need to know about Bruno Eu realmente preciso saber sobre Bruno Gimme the truth and the whole truth, Bruno Gimme the truth and the whole truth, Bruno Me dê a verdade e toda a verdade, Bruno! (Isabela, your boyfriend's here) (Isabela, your boyfriend's here) (Isabela, seu namorado está aqui!) Time for dinner Time for dinner Hora do jantar! A seven-foot frame, rats along his back A seven-foot frame, rats along his back Dois metros de altura, ratos em suas costas When he calls your name it all fades to black When he calls your name it all fades to black Quando ele chama seu nome, tudo se torna preto Yeah, he sees your dreams and feasts on your screams Yeah, he sees your dreams and feasts on your screams Sim, ele vê seus sonhos e se alimenta com seus gritos You telling this story or am I? You telling this story or am I? É você que está contando essa história ou sou eu? Oye, Mariano's on his way Oye, Mariano's on his way Ei, o Mariano está a caminho Bruno says: It looks like rain Bruno says: It looks like rain Bruno diz: Parece que vai chover In doing so, he floods my brain In doing so, he floods my brain Ao fazer isso, ele inundou minha mente Married in a hurricane (he's here) Married in a hurricane (he's here) Me casei num furacão (ele está aqui) We don't talk about Bruno, no We don't talk about Bruno, no Nós não falamos sobre o Bruno, não Why did I talk about Bruno? Why did I talk about Bruno? Por que eu falei sobre o Bruno? Not a word about Bruno Not a word about Bruno Nenhuma palavra sobre o Bruno! I never shoulda brought up Bruno I never shoulda brought up Bruno Eu nunca deveria ter mencionado o Bruno

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