Farewell to Ed Farewell to Ed Adeus para o Ed For Ed is dead For Ed is dead Pois Ed está morto The careless boy The careless boy O garoto cuidadoso Laid to rest Laid to rest Deitou pra descansar A velvet floor A velvet floor Um chão de veludo To place his head To place his head Para colocar sua cabeça An empty bag An empty bag Uma saca vazia A wooden chest A wooden chest Um caixão de madeira Still beautiful in death Still beautiful in death Continua bonito na morte The moisture fogs my breath The moisture fogs my breath A umidade enevoa meu hálito Two hundred lowered eyes Two hundred lowered eyes Duzentos olhos abaixados A hundred mute goodbyes A hundred mute goodbyes Cem adeus mudos I never thought your threats would come good I never thought your threats would come good Eu nunca pensei que sua ameaças se realizariam You never did what you said you would You never did what you said you would Você nunca fazia o que dizia que iria Your mum and dad Your mum and dad Sua mamãe e papai They look so old They look so old Parecem tão velhos All huddled up All huddled up Toda a multidão In an inky cloak In an inky cloak Em mantos sujos I'm not surprised I'm not surprised Eu não estou surpreso This room is cold This room is cold Esta sala é tão fria It's empty too It's empty too É vazia também It's stinks of floss It's stinks of floss Ela fede a fio-dental I sat with dad and drank some beer I sat with dad and drank some beer Eu sentei com o papai e bebi um pouco de cerveja We hadn't spoken since last year We hadn't spoken since last year Nós não nos falávamos desde o ano passado I took his hand, led him upstairs I took his hand, led him upstairs Eu peguei sua mão, o guiei até lá em cima Silently drew his body near Silently drew his body near Silenciosamente desenhei seu corpo perto I couldn't see, missed you so much I couldn't see, missed you so much Eu não pude ver, senti tanto sua falta Missed you so large I had to fuck Missed you so large I had to fuck Senti tanto que tive que foder Between your sheets all charred with grief Between your sheets all charred with grief Entre os lençóis chamuscados com desgosto The pillows tainted with your dreams The pillows tainted with your dreams Os travesseiros pintados com seus sonhos I didn't want to stop that fate I didn't want to stop that fate Eu não quis parar aquele destino I should've said a thousand things I should've said a thousand things Eu havia dito mil coisas Yeh, but hey Yeh, but hey Sim, mas hey Like we agreed Like we agreed Como nós concordamos I will be brave I will be brave Eu serei corajosa I will pour whisky I will pour whisky Irei abrir wisky On your grave On your grave Sobre seu túmulo Smoke cigarettes Smoke cigarettes Fumar cigarros Amongst the stones Amongst the stones Sobre as pedras Sprinkle champagne Sprinkle champagne Estourar champagne Upon your bones Upon your bones Sobre seus ossos If burial restricts your view If burial restricts your view Se o enterro restringir sua vista I'll bring the city here to you I'll bring the city here to you Eu trarei a cidade aqui pra você I'll pack the river and the clock I'll pack the river and the clock Irei empacotar o rio e o relógio Wrap it into a picnic box Wrap it into a picnic box Amarrá-los em uma cesta de piquinique With golden bows With golden bows Com laços dourados And crystal mugs And crystal mugs E canecas de cristal My dancing heels My dancing heels Meus calcanhares de dança Will feel the mud Will feel the mud irão encher a caneca We'll disco boogie until the dawn We'll disco boogie until the dawn Iremos dançar Disco até o amanhecer I'll teach the village how to mourn I'll teach the village how to mourn Eu irei ensinar o vilarejo a prantear My living room My living room Minha sala de estar In future times In future times No futuro You're just a face You're just a face Você é apenas um rosto Above my fire Above my fire Sobre a minha lareira I futile sound I futile sound Um som fútil A distant chime A distant chime Sinos distantes I'll think of this I'll think of this Eu irei pensar nisto And I will cry And I will cry E irei chorar Perhaps I'll drop my toast Perhaps I'll drop my toast Talvez eu derrube minha torradeira The sound of shattered glass The sound of shattered glass O som de vidro quebrado Thought I forgot at last Thought I forgot at last Acho que esqueci que afinal Some things just never pass Some things just never pass Algumas coisas nunca passam Easy to say Easy to say Fácil falar Hard to believe Hard to believe Difícil de acreditar There'll come a day There'll come a day Que chegará um dia That I don't grieve That I don't grieve Em que eu não lamentarei Until the time Until the time Até o tempo My body leaves My body leaves Que meu corpo partir I will regret I will regret Eu me recordarei That you don't breath That you don't breath De que você não respira