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Dr. West

Dr. West (Tradução)

[Dr. West:] Morning, Marshall. [Dr. West:] Morning, Marshall. [Dr. West:] Bom dia, Marshall. [Eminem:] Morning, doc. [Eminem:] Morning, doc. [Eminem:] Bom dia, doutor. [Dr. West:] So we're discharging you today, how are you feeling? [Dr. West:] So we're discharging you today, how are you feeling? [Dr. West:] Então, estamos te dando alta hoje, como se sente? [Eminem:] Anxious. [Eminem:] Anxious. [Eminem:] Ansioso. [Dr. West:] Anxiety? [Dr. West:] Anxiety? [Dr. West:] Ansiedade? [Eminem:] Well, anxious to get home, anxious to get back into the world. Nervous. [Eminem:] Well, anxious to get home, anxious to get back into the world. Nervous. [Eminem:] Bem, ansioso pra chegar em casa, ansioso pra voltar pro mundo. Nervoso. [Dr. West:] Nervous? C'mon, Marshall, you're a big boy now. Sounding like a bit of a baby, you can do this. You found a sponsor yet? [Dr. West:] Nervous? C'mon, Marshall, you're a big boy now. Sounding like a bit of a baby, you can do this. You found a sponsor yet? [Dr. West:] Nervoso? Qual é, Marshall, você é um menino grande agora. Parecendo um pouco bebê. Você pode fazer isso. Você já encontrou um patrocinador? [Eminem:] Um, not yet. I mean, but when I get back [Eminem:] Um, not yet. I mean, but when I get back [Eminem:] Um, ainda não. Eu pretendo, mas quando eu voltar. [Dr. West:] Well, if you find one, you find one. If you don't, you don't. [Dr. West:] Well, if you find one, you find one. If you don't, you don't. [Dr. West:] Bem, se você encontrar um, você encontra um. [Eminem:] Well, yeah, I mean I godda start going to meetings first and... Wait, what? [Eminem:] Well, yeah, I mean I godda start going to meetings first and... Wait, what? Se não, não. [Dr. West:] Well, you don't absolutely have to go to meetings and it's not like like a requirement that they fit into your shedule, we know you're a busy person. [Dr. West:] Well, you don't absolutely have to go to meetings and it's not like like a requirement that they fit into your shedule, we know you're a busy person. [Eminem:] Bom, é, eu acho que tenho que começar a ir a umas reuniões primeiro... Espera, o que? [Eminem:] But I thought variety was the most important thing? [Eminem:] But I thought variety was the most important thing? [Dr. West:] Bem, não que você precise ir a reuniões [Dr. West:] So what else are you thinking? [Dr. West:] So what else are you thinking? e não é como um requisito pra que eles se encaixem na sua agenda, sabemos que você é uma pessoa ocupada. [Eminem:] Um, well, I know I godda start practising the steps, and I mean learning them, and start being able to apply them. [Eminem:] Um, well, I know I godda start practising the steps, and I mean learning them, and start being able to apply them. [Eminem:] Mas eu pensei que variedade fosse a coisa mais importante? [Dr. West:] Steps? [Dr. West:] Steps? [Dr. West:] Então, em que mais está pensando? [Eminem:] Yeah, steps. [Eminem:] Yeah, steps. [Eminem:] Um, bem, eu sei que tenho que começar a praticar uns passos, [Dr. West:] There's a lot of them, aren't there? [Dr. West:] There's a lot of them, aren't there? e aprendê-los, e começar a ser capaz de aplicá-los. [Eminem:] Well, twelve. [Eminem:] Well, twelve. [Dr. West:] Passos? [Dr. West:] Christ, I don't even know them all. [Dr. West:] Christ, I don't even know them all. [Eminem:] É, passos. [Eminem:] Really? [Eminem:] Really? [Dr. West:] Há muitos deles, não há? [Dr. West:] Anything else? [Dr. West:] Anything else? [Eminem:] Bem, doze. [Eminem:] Um, well, I mean the only other question I have was like, what do I do if I find myself in a situation where maybe somebody is drinking around me or something like that and I get tempted to? [Eminem:] Um, well, I mean the only other question I have was like, what do I do if I find myself in a situation where maybe somebody is drinking around me or something like that and I get tempted to? [Dr. West:] Cristo, eu nem sei todos eles. [Dr. West:] Take a drink. [Dr. West:] Take a drink. [Eminem:] Mesmo? [Eminem:] What? [Eminem:] What? [Dr. West:] Algo mais? [Dr. West:] Take a drink and y'know, take the edge off. [Dr. West:] Take a drink and y'know, take the edge off. [Eminem:] Um, bem, eu tenho apenas mais uma pergunta, [Eminem:] Take the edge off? Man, if I ever take a drink I already know what that's gonna lead me to. [Eminem:] Take the edge off? Man, if I ever take a drink I already know what that's gonna lead me to. O que eu faço se me encontrar numa situação onde talvez alguém esteja [Dr. West:] What, you mean these? *shakes pills* [Dr. West:] What, you mean these? *shakes pills* bebendo perto de mim ou algo assim e eu ficar com vontade? [Eminem:] Man, what the fuck!? [Eminem:] Man, what the fuck!? [Dr. West:] Tome um drink. [Dr. West:] Marhsall, what's the matter, darling? Having some doubts already? Marshall, you can't leave me, you'll never leave me, Marshall. We'll always be together, Marshall. Marshall?... Marshall!? [Dr. West:] Marhsall, what's the matter, darling? Having some doubts already? Marshall, you can't leave me, you'll never leave me, Marshall. We'll always be together, Marshall. Marshall?... Marshall!? [Eminem:] O que? [Eminem:] No, no, no, no, NO! [Eminem:] No, no, no, no, NO! [Dr. West:] Tome um drink e saberá, tire o abismo.

Composição: Andre Young / D

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