
Miracle of The Rosary

Milagre do Rosário

O Blessed Mother we pray to thee O Blessed Mother we pray to thee Oh, mãe abençoada, nós oramos a vós Thanks for the miracle of your Rosary Thanks for the miracle of your Rosary Obrigada pelo milagre de vosso rosário Only you can hold back Only you can hold back Só você pode segurar Your holy Son's hand Your holy Son's hand A abençoada mão de seu filho Long enough for the whole world to understand. Long enough for the whole world to understand. Por tempo bastante para que o mundo compreenda Hail, Mary full of grace Hail, Mary full of grace Ave Maria, cheia de graça The Lord is with thee The Lord is with thee O Senhor esteja convosco Blessed are thou among women Blessed are thou among women Bendita é vós entre as mulheres And blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus And blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus E bendito é o fruto de vosso ventre, Jesus O Holy Mary dear mother of God O Holy Mary dear mother of God Oh, Santa Maria, querida mãe de Deus Please pray for us sinners Please pray for us sinners Por favor rogai por nós pecadores Now and at the hour of our death. Now and at the hour of our death. Agora e na hora de nossa morte And give thanks once again And give thanks once again E agradeço mais uma vez For the miracle of your rosary. For the miracle of your rosary. Pelo milagre de vosso rosário

Composição: Lee Denson

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