
An Evening Prayer

Una oración de la tarde

If I have wounded any soul today If I have wounded any soul today Si he herido a ningún alma hoy If I have caused one's foot to go astray If I have caused one's foot to go astray Si he causado un pie para ir If I have walked in my own willful way If I have walked in my own willful way Si he perdido en mi propia miseria Dear Lord, forgive Dear Lord, forgive Estimado Señor perdone Forgive the sins I have confessed to Thee Forgive the sins I have confessed to Thee Perdona el pecado he confesado a ti Forgive my secret sins I do not see Forgive my secret sins I do not see Perdona mis pecados secretos que yo hago Oh, guide watch over me and my keeper be Oh, guide watch over me and my keeper be Oh, Dios cuida de mí y mi miseria Dear Lord, Lord, amen Dear Lord, Lord, amen Estimado Señor, ayúdame

Composição: Battersby Gaveril / C

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