Original Espanhol

(excerpt From) The Jaycees Speech

(extraido de ) O Discurso de Jaycee

"When I was a child, ladies and gentleman, I was a dreamer.I read comic books, "When I was a child, ladies and gentleman, I was a dreamer.I read comic books, Quando eu era criança, senhoras e senhores, eu era um sonhador and I was a hero in the movie.So every dream that I ever dreamed has come true and I was a hero in the movie.So every dream that I ever dreamed has come true Eu lia livros engraçados, e eu era o heroi do livro engraçado. Eu assistia filmes, e eu a hundred times.I learned very early in life that without a song, the day would a hundred times.I learned very early in life that without a song, the day would era o heroi do filme. Então, todo o sonho que eu tinha realizou-se uma centena never end; without a song, a man ain't got a friend; without a song, the road never end; without a song, a man ain't got a friend; without a song, the road de vezes. Esses senhores acolá, esses são do tipo que se importam, são dedicados would never bend; without a song.So I keep singing a song.Goodnight, Thank would never bend; without a song.So I keep singing a song.Goodnight, Thank Percebe-se que não é possivel que eles possam estar construindo o reino,

Composição: Public Domain

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