
Too Low For Zero

Estou Acabado

Six o'clock alarm Six o'clock alarm O alarme toca às seis horas I get the wake up call I get the wake up call Pego o turno da vigília Let that sucker jingle-jangle Let that sucker jingle-jangle Deixo aquela merda de musiquinha Ring right off the wall Ring right off the wall Tocando na parede. I'm too low for zero I'm too low for zero Estou acabado I'm too tired to work I'm too tired to work Cansado demais pra trabalhar Tied one on with a friend last night Tied one on with a friend last night Agarrei uma garota com um amigo ontem à noite And wound up losing my shirt And wound up losing my shirt E acabei perdendo minha camisa. I'm too low for zero I'm too low for zero I'm on a losing streak I'm on a losing streak Estou acabado I got myself in a bad patch lately I got myself in a bad patch lately Estou descendo a ladeira I can't seem to get much sleep I can't seem to get much sleep Entrei num caminho esquisito ultimamente I'm too low for zero I'm too low for zero E não consigo dormir o suficiente I wind up counting sheep I wind up counting sheep Estou acabado Nothing seems to make much sense Nothing seems to make much sense Fico enrolando, contando carneirinhos It's all just Greek to me It's all just Greek to me Nada parece fazer muito sentido You know I'm too low, too low, too low for zero You know I'm too low, too low, too low for zero É tudo grego, pra mim. You know I'm too low, too low, too low for zero You know I'm too low, too low, too low for zero Cutting out cups of coffee Cutting out cups of coffee Você sabe, estou caído Estou caidaço, estou acabado Switching off the late night news Switching off the late night news Você sabe, estou caído Estou caidaço, estou acabado Putting the cat out two hours early Putting the cat out two hours early It isn't any use It isn't any use Me enchendo de copos de café I'm too low for zero I'm too low for zero Mudando os canais de notícias na noite Insomnia attacks Insomnia attacks Deixando o gato sair pra passear duas horas antes, Watching flies with my eyes till sunrise Watching flies with my eyes till sunrise Não faz sentido algum. It's daylight when I hit the sack It's daylight when I hit the sack Estou acabado Ataques de insônia

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