It seems as though I've lived my life It seems as though I've lived my life Parece como si hubiera vivido mi vida On the bad side of the moon On the bad side of the moon En el lado malo de la luna To stir you dregs in sickness still To stir you dregs in sickness still Para que revolver sedimentos en la enfermedad todavía Without the rustic spoon. Without the rustic spoon. Sin la cuchara rústica. Common people live with me Common people live with me La gente común a vivir conmigo Where the light has never shone Where the light has never shone Donde la luz nunca ha brillado And the hermits flock like hummingbirds And the hermits flock like hummingbirds Y los ermitaños rebaño como colibríes To speak in a foreign tongue. To speak in a foreign tongue. Para hablar en una lengua extranjera. I'm a light year away I'm a light year away Tengo un año luz de distancia From the people who make me stay From the people who make me stay De las personas que hacen que me quede Sitting on the bad side of the moon. Sitting on the bad side of the moon. Sentado en el lado malo de la luna. There ain't no use for watchdogs here There ain't no use for watchdogs here No hay ningún uso de perros guardianes aquí To justify our ways, To justify our ways, Para justificar nuestros caminos, We live our live in manacles We live our live in manacles Vivimos nuestra vida con esposas The main cause of our stay. The main cause of our stay. La causa principal de nuestra estancia. Exiled here from other worlds Exiled here from other worlds Exiliado aquí de otros mundos Our sentence comes too soon; Our sentence comes too soon; Nuestra sentencia llega demasiado pronto; Why should I be made to pay Why should I be made to pay ¿Por qué debería ser obligada a pagar On the bad side of the moon On the bad side of the moon En el lado malo de la luna