It seems as though I've lived my life It seems as though I've lived my life parece como se eu tivesse vivido minha vida On the bad side of the moon On the bad side of the moon no lado mau da lua To stir you dregs in sickness still To stir you dregs in sickness still para mexer seus detritos na doença ainda Without the rustic spoon. Without the rustic spoon. sem uma rustica colher Common people live with me Common people live with me pessoas comuns vivem comigo Where the light has never shone Where the light has never shone onde a luz nunca brilhou And the hermits flock like hummingbirds And the hermits flock like hummingbirds e ela encontra com revoada de beija flores To speak in a foreign tongue. To speak in a foreign tongue. para falar numa estranha lingua I'm a light year away I'm a light year away eu estou a um ano luz fora From the people who make me stay From the people who make me stay dessas pessoas que querem me fazer ficar Sitting on the bad side of the moon. Sitting on the bad side of the moon. sentado no lado mau da lua There ain't no use for watchdogs here There ain't no use for watchdogs here aqui não tem lugar para cães de guarda To justify our ways, To justify our ways, para justificar nossos caminhos We live our live in manacles We live our live in manacles nós vivemos nossas vidas em manacles The main cause of our stay. The main cause of our stay. a principal coisa para ficarmos Exiled here from other worlds Exiled here from other worlds exilados aqui de outros mundos Our sentence comes too soon; Our sentence comes too soon; nossa centença vem muito cedo Why should I be made to pay Why should I be made to pay porque eu devo ter que pagar On the bad side of the moon On the bad side of the moon no lado mau da lua