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Blues In The Night

Blues Pela Noite

My mama done tol' me My mama done tol' me Minha mamãe não me disse When I was in pigtails When I was in pigtails Quando eu era pequenina My mama done tol' me My mama done tol' me Minha mãe não me disse A man's gonna sweet-talk and give you the big eyes A man's gonna sweet-talk and give you the big eyes Um homem deve enfrentar e te dará os olhos enormes But when the sweet-talking's done But when the sweet-talking's done E quando o falar delicadamente estiver acabado A man is a two-face, a worrisome thing A man is a two-face, a worrisome thing Um homem é de duas faces, uma coisa preocupante Who'll leave you to sing the blues in the night Who'll leave you to sing the blues in the night Quem te levará a cantar o Blues a noite inteira Now the rain's a-fallin' Now the rain's a-fallin' Agora a chuva cai Hear the train a-callin, "whoo-ee!" Hear the train a-callin, "whoo-ee!" Ouça o trem chamar, "Whoo-ee!" My mama done tol' me My mama done tol' me Minha mamãe não me disse Hear that lonesome whistle blowin' 'cross the trestle, "whoo-ee!" Hear that lonesome whistle blowin' 'cross the trestle, "whoo-ee!" Ouça aquele assobio solitário soprando, passando pelo umbrais das portas, "Whoo-ee" My mama done tol' me My mama done tol' me Minha mamãe não me disse A-whooee-ah-whooee ol' clickety-clack's A-whooee-ah-whooee ol' clickety-clack's A-whooee-ah-whooee ol'barulho de conversas A-echoin' back th' blues in the night A-echoin' back th' blues in the night A-echoin' de volta o Blues pela noite The evenin' breeze'll start the trees to cryin' The evenin' breeze'll start the trees to cryin' A brisa da noite começará as primeiras a chorar And the moon'll hide it's light And the moon'll hide it's light E a lua escondera sua luz When you get the blues in the night When you get the blues in the night Quando você tocar o Blues pela noite Take my word, the mockingbird'll sing the saddest kind o' song Take my word, the mockingbird'll sing the saddest kind o' song Ouça o que digo, o pássaro zombador catará a canção do rei depressivo He knows things are wrong, and he's right He knows things are wrong, and he's right Ele sabe que as coisas estão erradas e ele tá certo From Natchez to mobile, From Natchez to mobile, De Natchez para Mobile From Memphis to St. Joe From Memphis to St. Joe De Memphis para St. Joe Wherever the four winds blow Wherever the four winds blow Onde quer que os quatros soprem I been in some big towns I been in some big towns Eu estive em grandes cidades An' heard me some big talk An' heard me some big talk E ouvi muita conversa But there is one thing I know But there is one thing I know |Mas há uma coisa que eu sei A man's a two-face, a worrisome thing A man's a two-face, a worrisome thing Um homem duas caras, uma preocupante coisa Who'll leave you to sing the blues in the night Who'll leave you to sing the blues in the night Quem te levará a cantar o Blues pela noite The evenin' breeze'll start the trees to cryin' The evenin' breeze'll start the trees to cryin' A brisa da noite será a primeira a chorar And the moon'll hide it's light And the moon'll hide it's light E a lua esconderá sua luz When you get the blues in the night When you get the blues in the night Quando você tocar o Blues pela noite Take my word, the mockingbird'll sing the saddest kind o' song Take my word, the mockingbird'll sing the saddest kind o' song Ouça o q eu eu digp, o pássaro zombador cantará a canção do rei drepressivo He knows things are wrong, and he's right He knows things are wrong, and he's right Ele sabe que as coisas estão erradas e ele certo From Natchez to mobile, From Natchez to mobile, De Natchez para Mobile, From Memphis to St. Joe From Memphis to St. Joe De Memphis para St. Joe Wherever the four winds blow Wherever the four winds blow Onde quer que o vento sopre os quatro cantos I been in some big towns I been in some big towns Eu estive em grandes cidades An' heard me some big talk An' heard me some big talk E ouvi grandes conversações But there is one thing I know But there is one thing I know Mas há uma coisa que eu sei A man's a two-face, a worrisome thing A man's a two-face, a worrisome thing Um homem duas caras, uma coisa preocupante Who'll leave ya to sing the blues in the night Who'll leave ya to sing the blues in the night Quem te levará a cantar o Blues pela noite Yes the lonely, lonely blues in the night Yes the lonely, lonely blues in the night Sim o solitário, solitário Blues pela noite.

Composição: Johnny Mercer and Harold Harlen

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