May my tears come falling down at night May my tears come falling down at night Talvez minhas lágrimas escorram à noite Somehow I'll stand up and wipe them aside! Somehow I'll stand up and wipe them aside! De qualquer modo eu vou levantar e secá-las aparte Silence in me -- only my pain beats loud Silence in me -- only my pain beats loud Silêncio em mim - só minha dor bate alto Shivering -- inner peace broken down Shivering -- inner peace broken down Arrepiando - uma peça interna quebrada Fear is crawling to the core Fear is crawling to the core O medo está rastejando para o núcleo But there is a light glowing But there is a light glowing Mas tem uma luz em brasa Keeping me alive Keeping me alive Me mantendo viva Inspiring every cell to fight Inspiring every cell to fight Estimulando cada célula a viver May my tears come falling down at night May my tears come falling down at night Talvez minhas lágrimas escorram à noite Somehow I'll stand up and wipe them aside Somehow I'll stand up and wipe them aside De qualquer modo eu vou levantar e secá-las aparte The more the body suffers The more the body suffers Quanto mais o corpo sofre The more the soul comes to life The more the soul comes to life Mais a alma vive I feel it comes alive, ending endless night I feel it comes alive, ending endless night Eu sinto ela vivendo, acabando noites infinitas Body tightened -- trying to be strong Body tightened -- trying to be strong O corpo se comprime - tentando ser forte Not a hero -- just trying to hold on Not a hero -- just trying to hold on Não um herói - apenas tentando se segurar Outside worlds fade but inside Outside worlds fade but inside Mundos externos desaparecem, mas por dentro A new found core gives me strength A new found core gives me strength Um novo núcleo me dá força Keeping me alive Keeping me alive Me mantendo viva (The body's fading -- healing me) (The body's fading -- healing me) (O enfraquecimento do corpo - me cicatrizando) Inspiring every cell to fight Inspiring every cell to fight Estimulando cada célula a viver My heart is beating loud... My heart is beating loud... Meu coração está batendo alto May my tears come falling down at night May my tears come falling down at night Talvez minhas lágrimas escorram à noite Somehow I'll stand up and wipe them aside Somehow I'll stand up and wipe them aside De qualquer modo eu vou levantar e secá-las aparte The more the body suffers The more the body suffers Quanto mais o corpo sofre The more the soul comes to life The more the soul comes to life Mais a alma vive I feel it comes alive, ending endless night I feel it comes alive, ending endless night Eu sinto ela vivendo, acabando noites infinitas Please end this endless night! Please end this endless night! Por favor, acabe com essa noite infinita!