Original Corrigir

There Is a King

Há um rei

There is a king seated among us There is a king seated among us Há um rei sentado entre nós Let every heart, receive Him now Let every heart, receive Him now Que todo coração o receba agora Where there is praise,?He?will inhabit Where there is praise,?He?will inhabit Onde houver louvor, Ele habitará And there?will be grace and mercy all?around And there?will be grace and mercy all?around E haverá graça e misericórdia ao redor Every burden will be lifted in His presence Every burden will be lifted in His presence Todo fardo será levantado em Sua presença Every trophy will be laid down at His feet Every trophy will be laid down at His feet Todo troféu será colocado aos Seus pés There is a name that reigns above all others There is a name that reigns above all others Há um nome que reina acima de todos os outros Jesus Christ, the king above all kings Jesus Christ, the king above all kings Jesus Cristo, o rei acima de todos os reis Unto the Lamb honor and glory Unto the Lamb honor and glory Honra e glória ao Cordeiro Worthy is He who overcame Worthy is He who overcame Digno é quem venceu Buried in shame, risen in power Buried in shame, risen in power Enterrado em vergonha, aumentado em poder He is alive, and the stone is rolled away He is alive, and the stone is rolled away Ele está vivo e a pedra é retirada All our worship will belong to Him forever All our worship will belong to Him forever Toda a nossa adoração pertencerá a Ele para sempre Death is conquered and our Savior holds the keys Death is conquered and our Savior holds the keys A morte é conquistada e nosso Salvador possui as chaves There is a name that reigns above all others There is a name that reigns above all others Há um nome que reina acima de todos os outros Jesus Christ, the king above all kings Jesus Christ, the king above all kings Jesus Cristo, o rei acima de todos os reis It won't be long, we will behold him It won't be long, we will behold him Não vai demorar, vamos vê-lo And every tear He'll wipe away And every tear He'll wipe away E cada lágrima Ele enxugará We'll be at home, the war will be over We'll be at home, the war will be over Estaremos em casa, a guerra terminará Soon we will meet our Savior face to face Soon we will meet our Savior face to face Em breve encontraremos nosso Salvador pessoalmente And every burden will be lifted in His presence And every burden will be lifted in His presence E todo fardo será levantado em Sua presença Every trophy will be laid down at His feet Every trophy will be laid down at His feet Todo troféu será colocado aos Seus pés There is a name that reigns above all others There is a name that reigns above all others Há um nome que reina acima de todos os outros Jesus Christ, the king above all kings Jesus Christ, the king above all kings Jesus Cristo, o rei acima de todos os reis And all our worship, will belong to You forever And all our worship, will belong to You forever E toda a nossa adoração pertencerá a você para sempre Holy, holy, for all eternity Holy, holy, for all eternity Santo, santo, por toda a eternidade Yours is the name, that reigns above all others Yours is the name, that reigns above all others O seu é o nome, que reina acima de todos os outros Jesus Christ, the king above all kings Jesus Christ, the king above all kings Jesus Cristo, o rei acima de todos os reis Jesus Christ, the king above all kings Jesus Christ, the king above all kings Jesus Cristo, o rei acima de todos os reis

Composição: Brandon Lake / Steven Furtick / Tiffany Hammer

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