Take my hand and hold me tight Take my hand and hold me tight Tome minha mão e me abrace forte Let's ride to the dark side of light Let's ride to the dark side of light Vamos passear pelo lado escuro da luz Meet the spectre in the polar ark Meet the spectre in the polar ark Conheça o espectro do arco polar Meet the children of the night Meet the children of the night Conheça as crianças da noite Lost forever in the feverish light Lost forever in the feverish light Perdido para sempre na luz febril That is guiding us up high That is guiding us up high Que nos guia para cima Skip the elders' resting spot Skip the elders' resting spot Pule o local de descanso dos mais velhos Try this time to live in a dot Try this time to live in a dot Tente dessa vez viver em dia It's the night ride, we're running out of time It's the night ride, we're running out of time É o passeio noturno, estamos correndo fora de nossas mente It's the night ride, we're running for our lives It's the night ride, we're running for our lives É o passeio noturno, estamos correndo por nossas vidas That's just a away of survive in the chaos of urban life That's just a away of survive in the chaos of urban life Isto é apenas um meio de sobreviver Nothing will hurt us now, nothing have chanched at all Nothing will hurt us now, nothing have chanched at all No caos da vida urbana Crying out onto the night, something is missing in our mind Crying out onto the night, something is missing in our mind Nada pode nos ferir agora Kissing sanity goodbye, reality is about to die Kissing sanity goodbye, reality is about to die Nada mudou de modo algum It's the night ride we're running out of time It's the night ride we're running out of time Gritando noite afora It's the night ride we're running for our lives It's the night ride we're running for our lives Algo está faltando em nossas mentes