
The Words To Say I Love You

Palavras Para Dizer Eu Te Amo

And as the sign clears And as the sign clears E a medida em que o sinal clareia Memories are faded to awaking Memories are faded to awaking As memórias estão fadadas a despertar It's like a turn style It's like a turn style É como uma mudança de estilo A passage to which ever road you're taking A passage to which ever road you're taking Uma passagem para a estrada de sempre a qual você se dirige Is it plain enough for words? Is it plain enough for words? É simples o bastante de explicar Or just too complex to see the move we're making? Or just too complex to see the move we're making? Ou só demasiado complexo ver o movimento que estamos fazendo? A corny legend A corny legend Uma lenda cafona Love will soothe the ones that feel forsaken Love will soothe the ones that feel forsaken O amor vai acalmar os que se sentem abandonados I see your eyes now I see your eyes now Eu vejo seus olhos agora! Motions that are hardly worth to mention Motions that are hardly worth to mention Propostas que são dificilmente válidas de se mencionar The way your voice pitched The way your voice pitched A maneira como sua voz soou Could in itself not even raise attention? Could in itself not even raise attention? Poderia por si mesma sequer chamar a atenção? Will it last eternally? Will it last eternally? Será que vai durar eternamente? Can we see it through with all our best intentions? Can we see it through with all our best intentions? Podemos ver isso com todas as nossas melhores intenções? The questions seems here The questions seems here As perguntas parecem aqui Words be overruled by comprehension Words be overruled by comprehension Palavras serem contrariadas pelo entendimento So now be silent So now be silent Então, agora esteja em silêncio Never let your shadow walk before you Never let your shadow walk before you Nunca permita sua sombra caminhar à frente de você Don't stir the surface Don't stir the surface Não agite a superfície Ripples can be fine to highly sail through Ripples can be fine to highly sail through Ondas podem ser excelentes para altamente se navegar Catch the moment when it's there Catch the moment when it's there Pegue o momento quando estiver lá Don't expect more than the straw that you can cling to Don't expect more than the straw that you can cling to Não espere mais do que a palha a qual você pode agarrar-se Then in the morning Then in the morning Então, pela manhã We won't need the words to say I love you We won't need the words to say I love you Não precisaremos de palavras para dizer eu te amo In the morning In the morning Pela manhã We won't need the words to say I love you We won't need the words to say I love you Não precisaremos de palavras para dizer eu te amo

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