CATCH OF THE CENTURY CATCH OF THE CENTURY Lance do século You do not know, and you don't care You do not know, and you don't care Você não sabe, e você não se importa And you may never learn And you may never learn E talvez você nunca aprenda I made approaches, you gave me teeth I made approaches, you gave me teeth Eu me aproximei, você me mostrou os dentes And got my open heart And got my open heart E abriu meu coração I'm paid for sassin, that's what you say I'm paid for sassin, that's what you say Sou pago para sassin, é o que você diz Don't get the essential point Don't get the essential point Não pegue o ponto essencial What it came down to, was you and good nothing What it came down to, was you and good nothing No que se transformou, foi você e um bom nada Here's to the wicked and here's to the odd Here's to the wicked and here's to the odd Aqui é para os fracos e aqui para os estranhos You got your chance going down the drain, you're dumping You got your chance going down the drain, you're dumping Você deixou sua change ir ralo a baixo, está jogando fora The catch of the century The catch of the century O lance do século You've got your chance, but you're much too vain to take it You've got your chance, but you're much too vain to take it Você teve sua chance, mas você tem muita inveja para pegá-lo The catch of the century The catch of the century O lance do século Your bodies waitin, cause all the world is already spoken for Your bodies waitin, cause all the world is already spoken for Seu corpo esperando, por que todo o mundo já falou A host of rivals, I'm out for boogeying and I'll be forever more A host of rivals, I'm out for boogeying and I'll be forever more Um anfitrião de rivais, você saiu para assustar e eu estarei para sempre You spread all around, sniff while I'm high, I'm on the road again You spread all around, sniff while I'm high, I'm on the road again Você toda espalhada, chorando enquanto estou alto, estou na estrada de novo I'm going down with flying colors, before I go down on someone else I'm going down with flying colors, before I go down on someone else Estou abaixando com cores coloridas, antes que vá em outro alguém You got your chance goin' on my train, you're dumpin You got your chance goin' on my train, you're dumpin Você tem sua chance indo em meu trem, está jogando fora The catch of the century The catch of the century O lance do século And lady luck's got her ass in pain, you're wastin And lady luck's got her ass in pain, you're wastin E a senhora sorte tem um pé no seu traseiro, está jogando fora The catch of the century The catch of the century O lance do século You got your chance goin' on my train, you're dump You got your chance goin' on my train, you're dump Você tem sua chance indo em meu trem, está jogando fora. The catch of the century The catch of the century O lance do século "I tell you, someday you will regreat it "I tell you, someday you will regreat it "Te digo, algum dia se arrependerá I will sell millions or records I will sell millions or records Venderei milhões de discos I´m gona have hundreds of women I´m gona have hundreds of women Terei milhares de mulheres Seven, seven Ferrari's! Seven, seven Ferrari's! Sete, sete Ferrari's! ... Iñm gonna be the Formula 1 champion ... Iñm gonna be the Formula 1 champion ...Serei o campeão da F1 I´m gonna have a big house! I´m gonna have a big house! Terei um casa grande! And you will be nothing And you will be nothing E você será nada Nothing but nothin" Nothing but nothin" Nada além de nada "Tobi, es ist gut jetz" "Tobi, es ist gut jetz" "Tobi, ok já passou" "Gut?" "Gut?" "tudo bem?"