
Same Love (feat. Mackelmore)

Mesmo Amor (part. Mackelmore)

When I was in the 3rd grade When I was in the 3rd grade Quando eu estava na 3ª série I thought that I was gay I thought that I was gay Eu achava que eu era gay 'Cause I could draw, my uncle was 'Cause I could draw, my uncle was Porque eu sabia desenhar, porque o meu tio era gay And I kept my room straight And I kept my room straight E eu mantinha meu quarto arrumado I told my mom, tears rushing down my face I told my mom, tears rushing down my face Eu contei à minha mãe, com lágrimas rolando pelo meu rosto She's like: Ben, you've loved girls since before pre-K She's like: Ben, you've loved girls since before pre-K E ela disse, "Ben, você ama meninas desde antes do jardim de infância" Tripping, yeah, I guess she had a point, didn't she? Tripping, yeah, I guess she had a point, didn't she? Exagerando, sim, mas acho que ela tinha razão, não tinha? A bunch of stereotypes all in my head A bunch of stereotypes all in my head Um monte de estereótipos na minha cabeça. I remember doing the math, like I remember doing the math, like Me lembro de raciocinar, tipo: Yeah, I'm good at little league Yeah, I'm good at little league "Sim, eu sou bom na liga de beisebol" A pre-conceived idea of what it all meant A pre-conceived idea of what it all meant Uma ideia preconcebida do que tudo aquilo significava, For those that like the same sex had the characteristics For those that like the same sex had the characteristics De que aqueles que gostam de pessoas do mesmo sexo tinham características. The right-wing conservatives think it's a decision The right-wing conservatives think it's a decision Os conservadores acham que é uma escolha And you can be cured with some treatment and religion And you can be cured with some treatment and religion E que você pode ser curado com algum tratamento e religião Man-made, rewiring of a pre-disposition, playing God Man-made, rewiring of a pre-disposition, playing God Feitos pelo homem, consertando uma pré-disposição, brincando de Deus Ahh nah, here we go Ahh nah, here we go Oh, não, lá vamos nós America the brave still fears what we don't know America the brave still fears what we don't know América, a valente, ainda teme o que não conhecemos And "God loves all his children" it's somehow forgotten And "God loves all his children" it's somehow forgotten E “Deus ama todos os seus filhos” é esquecido But we paraphrase a book written thirty-five hundred years ago But we paraphrase a book written thirty-five hundred years ago Mas nós parafraseamos um livro escrito há 3.500 anos I don't know I don't know Sei lá And I can't change And I can't change E eu não posso mudar Even if I tried Even if I tried Mesmo se eu tentasse Even if I wanted to Even if I wanted to Mesmo se eu quisesse And I can't change And I can't change E eu não posso mudar Even if I tried Even if I tried Mesmo se eu tentasse Even if I wanted to Even if I wanted to Mesmo se eu quisesse My love, my love, my love My love, my love, my love Meu amor, meu amor, meu amor She keeps me warm She keeps me warm Ela me mantém aquecida If I was gay I would think hip-hop hates me If I was gay I would think hip-hop hates me Se eu fosse gay, eu acharia que o hip-hop me odeia Have you read the YouTube comments lately Have you read the YouTube comments lately Você tem lido recentemente os comentários no YouTube ? "Man that's gay" gets dropped on the daily "Man that's gay" gets dropped on the daily "Cara, isso é gay" É dito diariamente We've become so numb to what we're saying We've become so numb to what we're saying Não prestamos atenção nas coisas que estamos dizendo Our culture founded from oppression Our culture founded from oppression Uma cultura fundada a partir da opressão Yet we don't have acceptance for 'em Yet we don't have acceptance for 'em E ainda não os aceitamos Call each other faggots Call each other faggots Chamamos uns aos outros de "bicha" Behind the keys of a message board Behind the keys of a message board Por trás da tela de um computador A word rooted in hate A word rooted in hate Uma palavra enraizada no ódio Yet our genre still ignores it Yet our genre still ignores it Mas nossa espécie ainda ignora isso Gay is synonymous with the lesser Gay is synonymous with the lesser "Gay" é sinônimo de inferioridade It's the same hate that's caused wars from religion It's the same hate that's caused wars from religion É o mesmo ódio que causou guerras por causa de religião Gender to skin color, complexion of your pigment Gender to skin color, complexion of your pigment Do gênero à cor da pele, a complexidade do seu pigmento, The same fight that lead people to walk-outs and sit-ins The same fight that lead people to walk-outs and sit-ins A mesma luta que levou as pessoas a guerrear e manifestar. It's human rights for everybody, there is no difference It's human rights for everybody, there is no difference Os direitos humanos são para todos, não há diferença. Live on! And be yourself! Live on! And be yourself! Viva! E seja você mesmo! When I was in church they taught me something else When I was in church they taught me something else E na igreja, eles me ensinaram algo diferente If you preach hate at the service, those words aren't anointed If you preach hate at the service, those words aren't anointed Se há o ódio no sermão, as palavras não são ungidas And that Holy Water that you soak in is then poisoned And that Holy Water that you soak in is then poisoned E a água benta em que você mergulha, depois é envenenada When everyone else is more comfortable remaining voiceless When everyone else is more comfortable remaining voiceless Enquanto todos ficam mais confortáveis continuando calados Rather than fighting for humans that have had their rights stolen Rather than fighting for humans that have had their rights stolen Em vez de lutar pelos que tiveram seus direitos roubados, I might not be the same, but that's not important I might not be the same, but that's not important Eu posso não ser o mesmo, mas isso não é importante No freedom 'til we're equal No freedom 'til we're equal Não ha liberdade até que sejamos iguais Damn right I support it! Damn right I support it! Pode ter certeza que eu apoio! I don't know I don't know Sei lá And I can't change And I can't change E eu não posso mudar Even if I tried Even if I tried Mesmo se eu tentasse Even if I wanted to Even if I wanted to Mesmo se eu quisesse And I can't change And I can't change E eu não posso mudar Even if I tried Even if I tried Mesmo se eu tentasse Even if I wanted to Even if I wanted to Mesmo se eu quisesse My love, my love, my love My love, my love, my love Meu amor, meu amor, meu amor She keeps me warm She keeps me warm Ela me mantém aquecida We press play, don't press pause We press play, don't press pause Vamos apertar o play, não aperte o pause Progress, march on! Progress, march on! Progrida, marche em frente! With a veil over our eyes, we turn our back on the cause With a veil over our eyes, we turn our back on the cause Com o véu em nossos olhos, damos as costas à causa 'Till the day that my uncles can be united by law 'Till the day that my uncles can be united by law Até o dia em que meus tios possam se casar perante a lei Kids are walking around the hallway Kids are walking around the hallway Crianças andam pelos corredores Plagued by pain in their heart Plagued by pain in their heart Atormentadas pela dor em seus corações A world so hateful some would rather die than be who they are A world so hateful some would rather die than be who they are Em um mundo com ódio, alguns preferem morrer a ser quem são And a certificate on paper isn't gonna solve it all And a certificate on paper isn't gonna solve it all E um certificado de papel não vai resolver tudo But it's a damn good place to start But it's a damn good place to start Mas já é um bom começo No law's gonna change us, we have to change us No law's gonna change us, we have to change us Nenhuma lei vai nos mudar, nós temos que nos mudar Whatever God you believe in we come from the same one Whatever God you believe in we come from the same one Seja qual for o Deus em que você crê, viemos do mesmo Strip away the fear, underneath, it's all the same love Strip away the fear, underneath, it's all the same love Expulse o medo, por baixo de tudo tem o mesmo amor About time that we raised up About time that we raised up Já é tempo de erguermos a voz And I can't change And I can't change E eu não posso mudar Even if I tried Even if I tried Mesmo se eu tentasse Even if I wanted to Even if I wanted to Mesmo se eu quisesse And I can't change And I can't change E eu não posso mudar Even if I tried Even if I tried Mesmo se eu tentasse Even if I wanted to Even if I wanted to Mesmo se eu quisesse My love, my love, my love My love, my love, my love Meu amor, meu amor, meu amor She keeps me warm She keeps me warm Ela me mantém aquecida Love is patient, love is kind Love is patient, love is kind O amor é paciente, o amor é bondoso Love is patient, love is kind (not crying on Sundays) Love is patient, love is kind (not crying on Sundays) O amor é paciente e bondoso (sem choro aos domingos) Love is patient (not crying on Sundays) Love is patient (not crying on Sundays) O amor é paciente (sem choros aos domingos) Love is kind (I'm not crying on Sundays) Love is kind (I'm not crying on Sundays) O amor é bondoso (eu não choro mais aos domingos) Love is patient (not crying on Sundays) Love is patient (not crying on Sundays) O amor é paciente (sem choros aos domingos) Love is kind (I'm not crying on Sundays) Love is kind (I'm not crying on Sundays) O amor é bondoso (eu não choro mais aos domingos) Love is patient (I'm not crying on Sundays) Love is patient (I'm not crying on Sundays) O amor é paciente (eu não choro mais aos domingos) Love is kind (I'm not crying on Sundays) Love is kind (I'm not crying on Sundays) O amor é bondoso (eu não choro mais aos domingos) Love is patient, love is kind Love is patient, love is kind O amor é paciente, o amor é bondoso

Composição: Chris Leonard / Ed Sheeran / Jake Gosling

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