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Here I stand acting like a silly clown would, Here I stand acting like a silly clown would, Aqui eu estou agindo como um palhaço bobo seria, I don't know why Would anybody like to try I don't know why Would anybody like to try Eu não sei por que alguém iria gostar de tentar The changes I'm going through ? The changes I'm going through ? As mudanças que estou passando? A hidden lie would fortify A hidden lie would fortify Uma mentira escondida iria fortalecer Something that don't exist Something that don't exist Algo que não existem But it ain't so bad, I'm just a lad, But it ain't so bad, I'm just a lad, Mas não é tão ruim, eu sou apenas um rapaz, So many more things to do, So many more things to do, Tantas mais coisas para fazer, I intend to come right through them all with you. I intend to come right through them all with you. Tenho a intenção de vir para a direita através de todos eles com você. My songs are merely dreams visiting my mind My songs are merely dreams visiting my mind Minhas músicas são apenas sonhos visitar minha mente We talk a while by a crooked stile, We talk a while by a crooked stile, Falamos de um tempo por um estilo torto, You're lucky to catch a few. You're lucky to catch a few. Você tem sorte de pegar alguns. There's no magic wand in a perfumed hand, There's no magic wand in a perfumed hand, Não há varinha mágica em uma mão perfumada, It's a pleasure to be true. It's a pleasure to be true. É um prazer para ser verdade. In my crystal halls a feather falls In my crystal halls a feather falls Na minha salas cristal uma pena cai Being beautiful just for you Being beautiful just for you Ser bonito só para você But that might not be quite true, that's up to you. But that might not be quite true, that's up to you. Mas isso pode não ser bem verdade, que é até você. Dawn crept in unseen to find me still awake Dawn crept in unseen to find me still awake Madrugada rastejou no invisível me encontrar ainda acordado A strange young girl sang her songs for me A strange young girl sang her songs for me Uma menina estranha jovens cantaram suas canções para mim And left 'fore the day was born. And left 'fore the day was born. E portanto de "esquerda o dia nasceu. That dark princess with saddening jest That dark princess with saddening jest Que princesa escuro com jest triste She lowered her eyes of woe, She lowered her eyes of woe, Ela baixou os olhos de dor, And I felt her sigh, I wouldn't like to try And I felt her sigh, I wouldn't like to try E eu senti seu suspiro, eu não gostaria de experimentar The changes she's going through The changes she's going through As mudanças que ela está passando por But I hope love comes right through them all with you. But I hope love comes right through them all with you. Mas eu espero que o amor vem através delas todos com você.

Composição: Donovan

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