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American Pie

American Pie

A long long time ago A long long time ago Há muito, muito tempo atrás I can still remember how I can still remember how Eu ainda consigo me lembrar That music used to make me smile That music used to make me smile Como aquela música me fazia sorrir And I knew if I had my chance And I knew if I had my chance E sabia que se eu tivesse minha chance That I could make those people dance That I could make those people dance Eu poderia fazer aquelas pessoas dançarem And maybe they'd be happy for a while And maybe they'd be happy for a while E, talvez, elas seriam felizes por um momento But February made me shiver But February made me shiver Mas fevereiro me fez tremer With every paper I'd deliver With every paper I'd deliver Com cada jornal que eu entreguei Bad news on the doorstep Bad news on the doorstep Más notícias na porta I couldn't take one more step I couldn't take one more step Eu não podia dar mais nenhum passo I can't remember if I cried I can't remember if I cried Eu não consigo lembrar se eu chorei When I read about his widowed bride When I read about his widowed bride Quando eu li sobre a viúva dele But something touched me deep inside But something touched me deep inside Mas algo me comoveu profundamente **The day the music died** **The day the music died** O dia que a música morreu So... So... Então... (Chorus) (Chorus) Refrão Bye, bye Miss American Pie Bye, bye Miss American Pie tchau tchau, Miss American Pie Drove my Chevy to the levee but the levee was dry Drove my Chevy to the levee but the levee was dry Dirigi meu Chevy até a barragem mas a barragem estava seca Them good ole boys were drinking whiskey and rye Them good ole boys were drinking whiskey and rye E eles, bons garotos, estavam bebendo uísque e rye Singin' this'll be the day that I die Singin' this'll be the day that I die Cantando "Este será o dia que eu morrerei" This'll be the day that I die This'll be the day that I die "Este será o dia que eu morrerei" Did you write the book of love Did you write the book of love Você escreveu o livro do amor? And do you have faith in God above And do you have faith in God above E você tem fé em Deus? If the Bible tells you so? If the Bible tells you so? Se a Bíblia te dizer que é assim, Now do you believe in rock and roll? Now do you believe in rock and roll? Agora você acredita em Rock n' Roll? Can music save your mortal soul? Can music save your mortal soul? A música pode salvar sua alma mortal? And can you teach me how to dance real slow? And can you teach me how to dance real slow? E você pode me ensinar a dançar bem devagar? Well, I know that you're in love with him Well, I know that you're in love with him Bem, eu sei que você está apaixonada por ele 'cause I saw you dancin' in the gym 'cause I saw you dancin' in the gym Pois eu vi vocês dançando no ginásio You both kicked off your shoes You both kicked off your shoes Vocês dois tiraram os sapatos Man, I dig those rhythm and blues Man, I dig those rhythm and blues Cara, eu entendo o "rhythm and blues" I was a lonely teenage broncin' buck I was a lonely teenage broncin' buck Eu era um adolescente solitário e desajeitado With a pink carnation and a pickup truck With a pink carnation and a pickup truck Com um cravo rosa e uma caminhonete, But I knew I was out of luck But I knew I was out of luck Mas eu sabia que estava sem sorte The day the music died The day the music died No dia em que a música morreu I started singin' I started singin' Eu comecei a cantar (Chorus) (Chorus) Refrão Now, for ten years we've been on our own Now, for ten years we've been on our own Agora por 10 anos nós estivemos sozinhos And moss grows fat on a rolling stone And moss grows fat on a rolling stone E musgo cresce numa pedra rolante But, that's not how it used to be But, that's not how it used to be Mas não era assim antes When the jester sang for the king and queen When the jester sang for the king and queen Quando o bobo da corte cantou para o rei e a rainha In a coat he borrowed from James Dean In a coat he borrowed from James Dean Com um casaco que ele pegou emprestado do James Dean And a voice that came from you and me And a voice that came from you and me E uma voz que veio de nós Oh and while the king was looking down Oh and while the king was looking down Oh, e enquanto o rei estava olhando para baixo The jester stole his thorny crown The jester stole his thorny crown O bobo da corte roubou sua coroa de espinhos The courtroom was adjourned The courtroom was adjourned A corte judicial foi adiada No verdict was returned No verdict was returned Nenhum veredicto foi retornado And while Lenin read a book on Marx And while Lenin read a book on Marx E enquanto Lenin lia um livro de Marx The quartet practiced in the park The quartet practiced in the park O quarteto praticava no parque And we sang dirges in the dark And we sang dirges in the dark E nós cantamos lamentações** no escuro The day the music died The day the music died O dia que a música morreu We were singin' We were singin' Nós estávamos cantando (Chorus) (Chorus) Refrão Helter skelter in a summer swelter Helter skelter in a summer swelter Helter Skelter num verão abafado The birds flew off with a fallout shelter The birds flew off with a fallout shelter Os pássaros voaram com abrigo Eight miles high and falling fast Eight miles high and falling fast Oito milhas de altura e caindo rápido It landed foul on the grass It landed foul on the grass Pousou na grama The players tried for a forward pass The players tried for a forward pass Os jogadores tentaram um passe para frente With the jester on the sidelines in a cast With the jester on the sidelines in a cast Com o bobo da corte no campo Now the half-time air was sweet perfume Now the half-time air was sweet perfume Agora o ar do primeiro tempo foi doce perfume While sergeants played a marching tune While sergeants played a marching tune Enquanto os sargentos tocavam uma marchinha We all got up to dance We all got up to dance Todos nós levantamos para dançar Oh, but we never got the chance Oh, but we never got the chance Oh, mas nós nunca tivemos chance 'cause the players tried to take the field 'cause the players tried to take the field Porque os jogadores tentaram tomar o campo The marching band refused to yield The marching band refused to yield A banda da marchinha se recusou a desistir Do you recall what was revealed Do you recall what was revealed Você se lembra o que foi revelado The day the music died? The day the music died? No dia que a música morreu? We started singin' We started singin' Nós começamos a cantar (Chorus) (Chorus) Refrão Oh, and there we were all in one place Oh, and there we were all in one place Oh, e lá estávamos nós num único lugar A generation lost in space A generation lost in space Uma geração "Perdida no Espaço" With no time left to start again With no time left to start again Sem tempo para recomeçar So come on Jack be nimble, Jack be quick So come on Jack be nimble, Jack be quick Então, vamos, Jack, seja ágil, Jack, seja rápido Jack Flash sat on a candlestick Jack Flash sat on a candlestick Jack Flash sentou num castiçal 'cause fire is the devil's only friend 'cause fire is the devil's only friend Porque o fogo é o único amigo do diabo And as I watched him on the stage And as I watched him on the stage Oh, e enquanto eu o via no palco My hands were clenched in fists of rage My hands were clenched in fists of rage Minhas mão estavam cerradas em punhos de raiva No angel born in Hell No angel born in Hell Nenhum anjo nascido no inferno Could break that Satan's spell Could break that Satan's spell Poderia quebrar o feitiço do Satanás And as the flames climbed high into the night And as the flames climbed high into the night E enquanto as chamas subiam pela noite To light the sacrificial rite To light the sacrificial rite Para iluminar o ritual de sacrifício I saw Satan laughing with delight I saw Satan laughing with delight Eu vi o Satanás rir com satisfação The day the music died The day the music died No dia que a música morreu He was singin' He was singin' Ele estava cantando (Chorus) (Chorus) Refrão I met a girl who sang the blues I met a girl who sang the blues Eu conheci uma garota que cantava blues And I asked her for some happy news And I asked her for some happy news E eu pedi a ela umas boas notícias But she just smiled and turned away But she just smiled and turned away Mas ela só deu um sorriso e foi embora I went down to the sacred store I went down to the sacred store Eu fui à loja sagrada Where I'd heard the music years before Where I'd heard the music years before Onde eu tinha escutado a música anos atrás But the man there said the music wouldn't play But the man there said the music wouldn't play Mas o homem lá disse que a música não tocaria And in the streets the children screamed And in the streets the children screamed E nas ruas as crianças gritavam The lovers cried, and the poets dreamed The lovers cried, and the poets dreamed Os amantes choravam e os poetas sonhavam But not a word was spoken But not a word was spoken Mas nenhuma palavra foi dita The church bells all were broken The church bells all were broken Os sinos da igreja estavam todos quebrados And the three men I admire most- And the three men I admire most- E os três homens que eu mais admirava the Father, Son, and the Holy Ghost- the Father, Son, and the Holy Ghost- O Pai, o Filho e o Espírito Santo They caught the last train for the coast They caught the last train for the coast Pegaram o último trem para o litoral The day the music died The day the music died No dia em que a música morreu And they were singing And they were singing E eles estavam cantando (Chorus, 2x) (Chorus, 2x) Refrão (2X)

Composição: Don Mclean

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