As the sun comes up, lord i see you (psalm 84:11) As the sun comes up, lord i see you (psalm 84:11) Assim que o sol nasce, Senhor eu te vejo As the wind blows on my face, lord i feel you (psalm 135:7) As the wind blows on my face, lord i feel you (psalm 135:7) Assim que o vento bate na minha cara, Senhor eu te sinto Sometimes i don't know what to say when my heart wants to praise (romans 8:26) Sometimes i don't know what to say when my heart wants to praise (romans 8:26) Algumas vezes eu não sei o que dizer quando meu coração quer orar And i have concluded of you that i barely know anything about you at all (isaiah 55:8-9) And i have concluded of you that i barely know anything about you at all (isaiah 55:8-9) E eu concluo que mal eu conheço Você e já é tudo Cause lord if you showed me a thousand things Cause lord if you showed me a thousand things Porque Senhor voce me mostrou milhares de cosias Brand new about you everyday Brand new about you everyday novas marcas sobre Você todos os dias I still would never see the fullness of your glory I still would never see the fullness of your glory Eu nunca veria a plenitude de Sua glória Lord if you gave me a thousand years Lord if you gave me a thousand years Senhor se Você me dar milhares de anos To try and count up all the ways that you have shown to me that you are just not enough To try and count up all the ways that you have shown to me that you are just not enough Para tentar e contar todos os caminhos que Você tem me mostrado não é o suficiente You are too much You are too much Você é muito mais As the river flows, lord i hear you (revelations 1:15) As the river flows, lord i hear you (revelations 1:15) Assim que o rio flui, Senhor eu te ouço As the rain falls on my face, lord i feel you (isaiah 55:10-11) As the rain falls on my face, lord i feel you (isaiah 55:10-11) Assim que a chuva cai na minha face, Senhro eu te sinto I know you know me better than i know myself (jeremiah 1:5) I know you know me better than i know myself (jeremiah 1:5) Eu sei que Você me conhece melhor que mim mesmo But i want to know you even though i know my mind But i want to know you even though i know my mind Mas eu quero saber mesmo os pensamentos que saem que da minha mente Can't hold it all Can't hold it all Não posso segurar tudo Cause lord if you showed me a thousand things Cause lord if you showed me a thousand things Porque Senhor Você me mostrou milhares de pensamentos Brand new about you everyday Brand new about you everyday novas marcas sobre Você todos os dias I still would never see the fullness of your glory I still would never see the fullness of your glory Eu nunca veria a plenitude de Sua glória Lord if you gave me a thousand years Lord if you gave me a thousand years Senhor se Você me dar milhares de anos To try and count up all the ways that you have shown to me that you are just not enough To try and count up all the ways that you have shown to me that you are just not enough Para tentar e contar todos os caminhos que Você tem me mostrado não é o suficiente You are too much You are too much Você é muito mais