
Game On

começou o jogo

When the lights go up and the game is on When the lights go up and the game is on QUando as luzes acendem e o jogo começa Are you ready for me? ‘Cause I'm ready for you Are you ready for me? ‘Cause I'm ready for you Voce está pronto para mim? Porque estou pronto pra você When the bell rings out and the fight is on When the bell rings out and the fight is on Quando o sino bate e a luta começa Are you ready for me? ‘Cause I'm ready for you Are you ready for me? ‘Cause I'm ready for you VOce está pronto pra mim? Pois estou pronto pra você It's time for us to start throwing down It's time for us to start throwing down É hora de nós começarmos a derrubar Take a look and see who's standing now Take a look and see who's standing now Dê uma olhada e veja quem está de pé aogra Didn't even know that you and I were cross Didn't even know that you and I were cross Nem mesmo sabia que voce e eu íamos nos cruzar Until a sneak attack from the weak side Until a sneak attack from the weak side Até um ataque rasteiro no lado fraco Unaware that we were in a fight Unaware that we were in a fight Inconsciente de que nós estavamos em uma luta I guess that's part of the problem, but guess what I guess that's part of the problem, but guess what Eu acho que isso é parte do problema, mas quer saber Say what you want to say about me Say what you want to say about me Diga o que voce quer dizer sobre mim Throw up what you want to throw up at me Throw up what you want to throw up at me Lance ao alto o que voce quer para lançar até mim But when you mess with those that are around me But when you mess with those that are around me Mas quando voce mexe com aqueels que estão ao redor de mim That's when you and I will have a problem That's when you and I will have a problem Isso então será quando você e eu teremos um problema I'm not afraid of loving my enemies I'm not afraid of loving my enemies Eu não tenho medo de amar meus inimigos Turning the other cheek Turning the other cheek Dando o outro lado da face Blessing those that would curse me Blessing those that would curse me Abençoando aqueles uq me amaldiçoam I honestly want peace with you I honestly want peace with you Eu honestamente quis paz com voce But when you come against my country But when you come against my country Mas quando voce vem contra meu país When you come against my family When you come against my family Quando voce vem contra minha familia You try to destroy my people You try to destroy my people Voce tenta destruir meu povo I can't just stand by I can't just stand by Eu não posso apenas continuar de pé There's no way that I can stand by There's no way that I can stand by Não há jeito de eu apenas continuar de pé This time, I will not stand by This time, I will not stand by Dessa vez, eu não irei apenas continuar de pé I am coming, and if I come, then pain is coming with me I am coming, and if I come, then pain is coming with me Eu estou vindo, e se eu venho, a dor estará vindo comigo I'm coming, and pain will be with me I'm coming, and pain will be with me Eu estou vindo, e a dor estará vindo comigo

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