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The Sacrilegious Scorn

O Desprezo do Sacrílego

Have I not Have I not Tenha eu não Been too long in your shadows of invention and creation? Been too long in your shadows of invention and creation? estado tempo demais em suas sombras de invenção e criação? As I rightfully behold the flesh As I rightfully behold the flesh Como eu legitimamente vejo a carne Fear of the conscious mind will have you facing away Fear of the conscious mind will have you facing away o temor da mente ciente o revestirá completamente My word and worlds hold ground and is real My word and worlds hold ground and is real Minha palavra e meu mundo possuem o solo e são reais Your world is like floods of poisoned water Your world is like floods of poisoned water Seu mundo é como inundações de água envenenada A language spoken with spit from different tongues A language spoken with spit from different tongues Uma linguagem falada com cuspe de diversas línguas It all seems like an eternity It all seems like an eternity Isto tudo parece durar pra sempre This battle between us two This battle between us two Esta batalha entre nós dois "Good and evil" "Good and evil" "Bem e Mal" Me and you Me and you Eu e você Time has come to step up Time has come to step up Chegou a hora de ir mais além And take back what you took from me And take back what you took from me E tomar de volta o que você tomou de mim My word and worlds hold ground and is real My word and worlds hold ground and is real Minha palavra e meu mundo possuem o solo e são reais Your world is like floods of poisoned water Your world is like floods of poisoned water Seu mundo é como inundações de água envenenada A language spoken with spit from different tongues A language spoken with spit from different tongues Uma linguagem falada com cuspe de diversas línguas You can never corrupt me again You can never corrupt me again Você não irá me corromper outra vez Your world is like floods of poisoned water Your world is like floods of poisoned water Seu mundo é como inundações de água envenenada A language spoken with spit from different tongues A language spoken with spit from different tongues Uma linguagem falada com cuspe de diversas línguas You can never corrupt me again You can never corrupt me again Você não irá me corromper outra vez I protect every man guilty of sin I protect every man guilty of sin Protejo cada homem culpado de pecado The ultimate sin being me The ultimate sin being me O pecado final sendo meu The vapor from the plague The vapor from the plague O vapor da praga That infested my mind, body and soul That infested my mind, body and soul infestou minha mente, corpo e espírito Obscured my view from wisdom Obscured my view from wisdom tornou negra minha visão de sabedoria The mist that had me wonder in resentment cleared The mist that had me wonder in resentment cleared A névoa, que me fez perguntar a mim mesmo, admirado com certo ressentimento And troubles me no more And troubles me no more mas isso não me incomoda mais.

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