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The Promised Future Aeons

A Era do Futuro Prometido

Erotic and dreamlike still in its mortal disguise Erotic and dreamlike still in its mortal disguise Erótico e sonhador ainda em seu disfarce mortal A passionate ritual in the ruined garden theatre A passionate ritual in the ruined garden theatre Um ritual apaixonado no teatro de jardins destruídos The painted angels - shadowed high above The painted angels - shadowed high above Os anjos pintados Â? cobertos pelas sombras lá em cima Once they gathered to worship at the picture of me Once they gathered to worship at the picture of me Certa vez eles se reuniram para adorar o meu retrato Like a whisper where there are no words Like a whisper where there are no words Como um sussurro onde não há palavras Appears the perplexed - the statue of might Appears the perplexed - the statue of might Aparece o perplexo - a estátua do poder In the cradle of the next generation In the cradle of the next generation No berço da próxima geração A spiraling ruin - lost in the gathering dust A spiraling ruin - lost in the gathering dust Uma ruína espiral - perdida na poeira desse encontro ...The faces you saw in the withering garden ...The faces you saw in the withering garden ...Os rostos que você viu no jardim seco I witnessed the flikkering - made to look like stone I witnessed the flikkering - made to look like stone Eu testemunhei sua hesitação - Fiz com que parecessem ser de pedra Quivering like little figures lost in broken flames Quivering like little figures lost in broken flames Tremendo como pequenos vultos Perdidos nas chamas destruídas Never to forget again the names carved in horrid flesh Never to forget again the names carved in horrid flesh Não se esqueça novamente dos nomes Esculpidos em carnes horrendas Those words drawn in water - become our legacy of fantasies Those words drawn in water - become our legacy of fantasies Essas palavras desenhadas na água - Tornam-se nosso legado de fantasias Burn the pictures Burn the pictures Queimem os quadros So unexpected in this strange deserted place So unexpected in this strange deserted place Tão inesperado neste lugar abandonado e estranho Once opened its secrets would become the world Once opened its secrets would become the world Seus segredos uma vez revelados, transformariam o mundo Its attributes would continue to unfold forever Its attributes would continue to unfold forever Seus atributos continuariam eternamente a serem descobertos "Through the fabric of the promised future aeons "Through the fabric of the promised future aeons "Através da formação da era do futuro prometido I offer this suffering of mu unwanted father..." I offer this suffering of mu unwanted father..." Eu ofereço este sofrimento de mu, o pai não desejado..." ...And the stars did wander - separated in the forbidden universe ...And the stars did wander - separated in the forbidden universe ...E as estrelas vagaram - Separadas no universo proibido (lyrics:Nagash) (lyrics:Nagash) (lyrics:Nagash)

Composição: Sven Atle Kopperud/Stian Thoresen

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