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What Do You See?

O Que Você Vê?

You wake up in the morning and clear your head You wake up in the morning and clear your head Você acorda pela manhã e lava sua cabeça You sometimes think you'd be better off dead You sometimes think you'd be better off dead Você ás vezes pensa que seria melhor morrer de uma vez You drive to work in a beat up car You drive to work in a beat up car Você dirige para o trabalho num carro quebrado You know where you're going but you don't know where you are You know where you're going but you don't know where you are Você sabe onde você está indo Mas não faz idéia de onde você está You might think you could be happy someday You might think you could be happy someday But you don't know how to look the other way... But you don't know how to look the other way... Você deve pensar Que poderia ser feliz algum dia What do you see What do you see Mas você não sabe como olhar as coisas de outra forma... When the sun don't shine and you cannot find your way When the sun don't shine and you cannot find your way What do you see What do you see O que você vê? When the rain falls down onto the ground each day When the rain falls down onto the ground each day Quando o sol não brilha e você não consegue achar o caminho You work a crap job, you don't know why You work a crap job, you don't know why O que você vê? You follow your orders, you never blink an eye You follow your orders, you never blink an eye Quando a chuva cai sobre o chão todos os dias You listen to them scream and you listen to them yell You listen to them scream and you listen to them yell You watch them create your own little private hell You watch them create your own little private hell Você trabalha num emprego de merda, você nem sabe porque You might think you could be happy someday You might think you could be happy someday Você segue ordens, você nunca pisca os olhos But you don't know how to look the other way But you don't know how to look the other way Você escuta gritos e berros What do you see What do you see Você assiste a criação de pequenos infernos privados When the sun don't shine and you cannot find your way When the sun don't shine and you cannot find your way What do you see What do you see Você deve pensar Que poderia ser feliz algum dia When the rain falls down onto the ground each day When the rain falls down onto the ground each day Mas você não sabe como olhar as coisas de outra forma... You go to bed, but you cannot sleep You go to bed, but you cannot sleep You wonder how you're gonna make it through the week You wonder how you're gonna make it through the week O que você vê? You finally doze off, you fall into a dream You finally doze off, you fall into a dream Quando o sol não brilha e você não consegue achar o caminho You are the puppet who wants to cut its strings You are the puppet who wants to cut its strings O que você vê? What do you see What do you see Quando a chuva cai sobre o chão todos os dias When the sun don't shine and you cannot find your way When the sun don't shine and you cannot find your way What do you see What do you see Você vai pra cama mas não pode dormir When the rain falls down onto the ground each day When the rain falls down onto the ground each day Você se pergunta como você vai passar essa smena

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