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My Throat Is An Open Grave

Minha garganta é um túmulo aberto

We lay face in pale solitude. We lay face in pale solitude. Nós deitamos nossos rostos em pálida solidão. To save face, we pulled our walls in front of you. To save face, we pulled our walls in front of you. Para salvar rostos, colocamos muros na sua frente. To the same place where we danced in front of you. To the same place where we danced in front of you. Para o mesmo lugar onde dançamos na frente de você. We fell from grace and watched the hope'fall from your face. We fell from grace and watched the hope'fall from your face. Caímos da graça e assistimos a esperança cair de seu rosto. This isn't me i used to say. This isn't me i used to say. Não era eu, eu costumava dizer. All the love was so gone. All the love was so gone. Todo o amor se foi. It feels good to be alive. It feels good to be alive. É tão bom se sentir vivo. I've been dead for so long: and all the broken promises. I've been dead for so long: and all the broken promises. Eu estive morto por muito tempo E todas essas promessas quebradas, I can't face. Afraidif someone notices, I lose my place. I can't face. Afraidif someone notices, I lose my place. eu não posso encarar. Com medo de que alguém note, eu perco meu lugar. Fractured, broken, paralyzed. Fractured, broken, paralyzed. Fraturado, quebrado, paralisado. I need some space, tear me open, analyze. I need some space, tear me open, analyze. Eu preciso de espaço, me abra e me analise. This isn't me i used to say. This isn't me i used to say. Não era eu, eu costumava dizer. All the love was so gone. All the love was so gone. Todo o amor se foi. It feels good to be alive. It feels good to be alive. É tão bom se sentir vivo. I've been dead for so long. I've been dead for so long. Eu estive morto por muito tempo Wake up screaming, I'm awake and dreaming, Wake up screaming, I'm awake and dreaming, Acordo gritando, estou acordado e sonhando, And i won't stop breathing until my heart stops beating. And i won't stop breathing until my heart stops beating. E não vou parar de respirar até meu coração parar de bater. This isn't me, i used to say. This isn't me, i used to say. Não era eu, eu costumava dizer. All the love was so gone, It feels good to be alive, All the love was so gone, It feels good to be alive, Todo o amor se foi. É tão bom se sentir vivo. I've been dead for so long. I've been dead for so long. Eu estive morto por muito tempo.

Composição: Demon Hunter

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