Let's get it bouncing in here Let's get it bouncing in here MC D Love: Bounce Bounce Vamos começar pulando aqui! Just bounce Just bounce Nick J.: Let me see that body bounce Let me see that body bounce Pule 'Cause my rhymes are so fly 'Cause my rhymes are so fly Apenas pule And my jeans are so tight And my jeans are so tight Deixe me ver esse corpo pulando That I make these people bounce That I make these people bounce Porque minhas rimas são maneiras Bounce Bounce E minha calça é tão apertada Just bounce Just bounce Que faz essas pessoas pularem Let me see your body bounce Let me see your body bounce Pule 'Cause my rhymes are so fly 'Cause my rhymes are so fly Apenas pule And my jeans are so tight And my jeans are so tight Deixe me ver seu corpo pulando That I make these people bounce That I make these people bounce Porque minhas rimas são maneiras Let me see that body bounce, baby Let me see that body bounce, baby E minha calça é tão apertada Let me see that body bounce Let me see that body bounce Que faz essas pessoas pularem Let me see that body bounce right Let me see that body bounce right DJ Danger: (Yeah, man) (Yeah, man) Deixe me ver esse corpo pulando baby Now, I'm the kind of guy that likes to bounce Now, I'm the kind of guy that likes to bounce Nick J: Now, I'm the kind of guy that's got a pet mouse Now, I'm the kind of guy that's got a pet mouse (Deixe me ver esse corpo pulando) I'm the kind of guy that like to scream I'm the kind of guy that like to scream DJ Danger: And all these other people wanna do it like me, yo And all these other people wanna do it like me, yo Deixe me ver esse corpo pulando direito Bounce Bounce Nick J: Just bounce Just bounce (Sim cara) Let me see your body bounce Let me see your body bounce Sou o tipo de cara que gosta de pular 'Cause my rhymes are so fly 'Cause my rhymes are so fly Sou o tipo de cara que tem um rato de estimação And my jeans are so tight And my jeans are so tight Sou o tipo de cara que gosta de gritar That I make these people bounce That I make these people bounce E todas essas pessoas querem fazer igual a mim Bounce Bounce Pule! Just bounce Just bounce Apenas pule! Let me see your body bounce Let me see your body bounce Deixe me ver esse corpo pulando! 'Cause my rhymes are so fly 'Cause my rhymes are so fly Porque minhas rimas são maneiras And my jeans are so tight And my jeans are so tight E minha calça é tão apertada That I make these people bounce That I make these people bounce Que faz essas pessoas pularem Dance break Dance break Pule! Uh, uh, uh Uh, uh, uh Apenas pule! B to the O to the U to the N to the C to the E B to the O to the U to the N to the C to the E Deixe me ver esse corpo pulando! Wait, I cant dance Wait, I cant dance Porque minhas rimas são maneiras That's okay That's okay E minha calça é tão apertada We'll show you how to bounce We'll show you how to bounce Que faz essas pessoas pularem B to the O to the U to the N to the C to the E B to the O to the U to the N to the C to the E Pausa para a dança! Wait, I cant dance Wait, I cant dance MC D Love: That's okay That's okay Uh, uh, uh We'll show you how to bounce We'll show you how to bounce Do B para o O para o U para o N para o C para o E B, is for bouncing B, is for bouncing Espera, não sei dançar! O, is for opportunity O, is for opportunity Big Rob: U, is for a unity U, is for a unity Tudo bem, And N, is for nutrition And N, is for nutrition Vamos te ensinar a pular C, is for community C, is for community MC D Love: And E, is for everybody And E, is for everybody Do B para o O para o U para o N para o C parao E And do the bounce now And do the bounce now Espera, não sei dançar! And do the bounce And do the bounce Big Rob: Let me see you bounce Let me see you bounce Tudo bem Just bounce Just bounce Vamos te ensinar a pular Just bounce Just bounce Nick J: Let me see that body bounce Let me see that body bounce B é para pulo 'Cause my rhymes are so fly 'Cause my rhymes are so fly O é para opurtunidade And my jeans are so tight And my jeans are so tight U é para união That I make these people bounce That I make these people bounce E N é para nutrição Bounce Bounce C é para comunidade Just bounce Just bounce E E é para todo mundo Let me see your body bounce Let me see your body bounce Pule agora Cause my rhymes are so fly Cause my rhymes are so fly Pule And my jeans are so tight And my jeans are so tight Deixe me ver seu salto That I make these people bounce That I make these people bounce Apenas pule! Do the ham and cheese Do the ham and cheese Apenas pule! (Let me see that body bounce) (Let me see that body bounce) Deixe me ver o seu corpo pular! Do the ham and cheese Do the ham and cheese Porque minhas rimas são maneiras (Let me see that body bounce) (Let me see that body bounce) E meus jeans são tão apertados Do the chicken wing Do the chicken wing Que faz essas pessoas pularem Do the chicken wing Do the chicken wing Pule! Do the ham and cheese Do the ham and cheese Apenas pule! (Let me see that body bounce) (Let me see that body bounce) Deixe me ver o seu corpo pular! Do the ham and cheese Do the ham and cheese Porque minhas rimas são maneiras (Let me see that body bounce) (Let me see that body bounce) E meus jeans são tão apertados Do the chicken wing Do the chicken wing Que faz essas pessoas pularem Do the chicken wing Do the chicken wing Big Rob (DJ Danger): Yeah, man Yeah, man Faça o presunto e queijo Just remember one thing Just remember one thing Faça o presunto e queijo Keep on bouncing Keep on bouncing (Deixe me ver seu corpo pular, baby) I wanna thank MC D Love I wanna thank MC D Love Faça o frango assado DJ Danger DJ Danger Faça o frango assado KJ2 KJ2 Faça o presunto e queijo And my main man And my main man Faça o presunto e queijo Big Rob Productions Big Rob Productions (Deixe me ver seu corpo pular certo) That's all we got for now That's all we got for now Faça o frango assado But keep it funky But keep it funky Faça o frango assado And keep it bouncing And keep it bouncing Nick J: All the way to the top All the way to the top Sim, cara Ha ha Ha ha Só lembre uma coisa