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Another Brick Falls

Another Brick Falls

VERSE 1: VERSE 1: VERSE 1: Day after day I try to Day after day I try to Dia após dia eu tento Earn my pay Earn my pay Ganhe meu pagamento Go a little further Go a little further Vá um pouco mais But the odds are never in my favor But the odds are never in my favor Mas as chances são nunca a meu favor (Oh.....Another) (Oh.....Another) (Oh. .... Outro) I tell myself this can't go on I tell myself this can't go on Digo a mim isto não pode continuar Very much longer Very much longer Muito mais tempo But when I put the last brick in the wall..... But when I put the last brick in the wall..... Mas quando eu coloco o último tijolo na parede ..... Another brick falls Another brick falls Another Brick Falls CHORUS: CHORUS: Refrão: I try to run I try to run Eu tento executar I try to hide I try to hide Eu tento esconder A thorn gets stuck right in my side A thorn gets stuck right in my side Um espinho fica preso no meu lado direito I tell myself it's all a game I tell myself it's all a game Eu digo-me que é tudo um jogo But the truth remains But the truth remains Mas a verdade permanece (Another) (Another) (Outro) I pick it up I pick it up Eu pegá-lo I plow ahead I plow ahead Eu charrua à frente I think of all I think of all Acho que de todos os I've done and said I've done and said Eu fiz e disse: But, it's never quite enough But, it's never quite enough Mas, nunca é o bastante Life will always be a little..... Life will always be a little..... A vida vai ser sempre um pouco ..... Tough! Tough! Difícil! VERSE 2: VERSE 2: VERSE 2: I run my race, keep up (oh) I run my race, keep up (oh) Eu corro a minha corrida, mantenha-se agora (oh) Pretty well, at a steady pace but Pretty well, at a steady pace but Muito bem, em um ritmo constante, mas There are days I fall behind the pack There are days I fall behind the pack Há dias em que eu caio para trás da embalagem (Oh.....Another) (Oh.....Another) (Oh. .... Outro) It all seems simple till it It all seems simple till it Tudo parece simples até que Gets so hard to handle Gets so hard to handle É muito difícil lidar com From the sky From the sky Do céu From nothing at all..... From nothing at all..... De nada ..... Another brick falls Another brick falls Another Brick Falls CHORUS CHORUS CHORUS BRIDGE: BRIDGE: PONTE: Obstacles are a loss of concentration Obstacles are a loss of concentration Os obstáculos são uma perda de concentração A thought that is in total isolation A thought that is in total isolation Um pensamento que está em total isolamento Hang on, you're headed for a ride..... Hang on, you're headed for a ride..... Hang on, você está indo para um passeio ..... Don't stray from the path that leads you Don't stray from the path that leads you Não se afastar do caminho que leva você Instincts will never deceive you Instincts will never deceive you Instintos nunca decepciona When life really kicks When life really kicks Quando a vida realmente pontapés Learn to catch those falling bricks Learn to catch those falling bricks Aprenda a pegar aqueles tijolos caindo I try to run I try to run Eu tento executar I try to hide I try to hide Eu tento esconder A thorn gets stuck right in my side A thorn gets stuck right in my side Um espinho fica preso no meu lado direito I tell myself it's all a game I tell myself it's all a game Eu digo-me que é tudo um jogo CHORUS CHORUS CHORUS

Composição: Debbie Gibson

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