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Hooked On Love

Enganchado Sobre el amor

Well, I know what I'm thinkin' Well, I know what I'm thinkin' Bueno, yo sé lo que estoy pensando Is the direct result of drinkin' Is the direct result of drinkin' Es el resultado directo de la bebiendo In a heavy mix of intimate atmosphere In a heavy mix of intimate atmosphere En una mezcla pesada de la atmósfera íntima And I pray what I'm feelin' And I pray what I'm feelin' Y pido lo que yo siento Is insecurity revealin' Is insecurity revealin' Es revealin la inseguridad " Lack of happiness Lack of happiness La falta de felicidad Cause I need a body here Cause I need a body here Porque necesito un cuerpo aquí And I would be much safer honey And I would be much safer honey Y yo estaría mucho más seguro de miel If I could get this stuff for money If I could get this stuff for money Si pudiera conseguir estas cosas por dinero (Chorus) (Chorus) (Estribillo) Cause I'm hooked on love Cause I'm hooked on love Porque yo estoy enganchado en el amor I never ever felt like this before I never ever felt like this before Yo nunca había sentido así antes If you tell me this is love If you tell me this is love Si me dices que esto es amor I better find a good supplier I better find a good supplier Será mejor buscar un buen proveedor I simply got to have some more I simply got to have some more Simplemente tiene que tener un poco más I was happy without it I was happy without it Yo era feliz sin ella Hardly ever thought about it Hardly ever thought about it Casi nunca pensó en ello Thought that it was something Thought that it was something Pensaba que era algo That I could live without That I could live without Que yo podría vivir sin And now I am a victim And now I am a victim Y ahora yo soy una víctima Of the dangerous addiction Of the dangerous addiction De la adicción peligrosa Tried to keep it a secret Tried to keep it a secret Trató de mantenerlo en secreto But the word got out But the word got out Pero se corrió la voz And I try hard to take it easy And I try hard to take it easy Y me esfuerzo por tomarlo con calma But I've got to find some face to please me But I've got to find some face to please me Pero tengo que encontrar alguna cara a mí, por favor (Chorus) (Chorus) (Estribillo) And now I am a victim And now I am a victim Y ahora yo soy una víctima Of the dangerous addiction Of the dangerous addiction De la adicción peligrosa Tried to keep it a secret Tried to keep it a secret Trató de mantenerlo en secreto But the word got out But the word got out Pero se corrió la voz and I would feel much better about it and I would feel much better about it y me siento mucho mejor acerca de lo If I thought I stood some chance without it If I thought I stood some chance without it Si yo pensé que estaba un azar sin ella

Composição: Dead or Alive

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