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Colored People

povo colorido

[1, 1, 1, 1... 2, 2, 2, 2... 3, 3, 3, 3... 4, 4, 4, 4] [1, 1, 1, 1... 2, 2, 2, 2... 3, 3, 3, 3... 4, 4, 4, 4] [um, um, um, um... dois, dois, dois, dois... três, três, três, três... quatro, quatro, quatro, quatro...] Pardon me, your epidermis is showing, sir Pardon me, your epidermis is showing, sir Perdoe-me, sua epiderme está à mostra, senhor I couldn't help but note your shade of melanin I couldn't help but note your shade of melanin Eu não pude deixar de notar seu tom de melanina I tip my hat to the colorful arrangement I tip my hat to the colorful arrangement Eu tiro o meu chapéu para o arranjo colorido Cause I see the beauty in the tones of our skin Cause I see the beauty in the tones of our skin Porque vejo a beleza nos tons de nossa pele We've gotta come together We've gotta come together Temos que nos unir, And thank the Maker of us all And thank the Maker of us all e agradecer ao Criador de todos nós (chorus) (chorus) coro We're colored people, and we live in a tainted place We're colored people, and we live in a tainted place Somos um povo colorido e vivemos em um lugar corrompido We're colored people, and they call us the human race We're colored people, and they call us the human race Somos um povo colorido e somos chamados de raça humana We've got a history so full of mistakes We've got a history so full of mistakes Temos uma história tão cheia de erros And we are colored people who depend on a Holy Grace And we are colored people who depend on a Holy Grace E somos um povo colorido que depende da Santa Graça [1, 1, 1, 1... 2, 2, 2, 2... 3, 3, 3, 3... 4, 4, 4, 4] [1, 1, 1, 1... 2, 2, 2, 2... 3, 3, 3, 3... 4, 4, 4, 4] [um, um, um, um... dois, dois, dois, dois... três, três, três, três... quatro, quatro, quatro, quatro...] A piece of canvas is only the beginning for A piece of canvas is only the beginning for Um pedaço de tela é apenas o começo It takes on character with every loving stroke It takes on character with every loving stroke Porque cada pincelada de amor é carregada de caráter This thing of beauty is the passion of an Artist's heart This thing of beauty is the passion of an Artist's heart Esta beleza é a paixão do coração de um artista By God's design, we are a skin kaleidoscope By God's design, we are a skin kaleidoscope Pela vontade de Deus nós somos um caleidoscópio de peles We've gotta come together, We've gotta come together, Temos que nos unir, Aren't we all human after all? Aren't we all human after all? não somos todos humanos afinal? (repeat chorus) (repeat chorus) repete coro Ignorance has wronged some races Ignorance has wronged some races A ignorância maltratou algumas raças And vengeance is the Lord's And vengeance is the Lord's E a vingança é do Senhor If we aspire to share this space If we aspire to share this space Se nós almejamos dividir este espaço Repentance is the cure Repentance is the cure O arrependimento é a cura [1, 1, 1, 1... 2, 2, 2, 2... 3, 3, 3, 3... 4, 4, 4, 4] [1, 1, 1, 1... 2, 2, 2, 2... 3, 3, 3, 3... 4, 4, 4, 4] [um, um, um, um... dois, dois, dois, dois... três, três, três, três... quatro, quatro, quatro, quatro...] Well, just a day in the shoes of a color blind man Well, just a day in the shoes of a color blind man Bem, apenas um dia no lugar de um homem cego para as cores Should make it easy for you to see Should make it easy for you to see Facilitaria para você ver That these diverse tones do more than cover our bones That these diverse tones do more than cover our bones Que esses tons diversos fazem mais que cobrir nossos ossos As a part of our anatomy As a part of our anatomy Como parte da nossa anatomia (repeat chorus) (repeat chorus) repete coro We're colored people, and they call us the human race We're colored people, and they call us the human race Somos um povo colorido e nos chamam de raça humana [Oh, colored people] [Oh, colored people] [Ó, Povo colorido ] We're colored people, and we all gotta share this space We're colored people, and we all gotta share this space Somos um povo colorido e todos temos que dividir o espaço [Yeah we've got to come together somehow] [Yeah we've got to come together somehow] [Sim, nós temos que nos unir,nos unir, agora ] We're colored people, and we live in a tainted world We're colored people, and we live in a tainted world Somos um povo colorido e vivemos em um mundo manchado [Red and yellow, black and white] [Red and yellow, black and white] vermelho e amarelo,preto e branco We're colored people, every man, woman, boy, and girl We're colored people, every man, woman, boy, and girl Somos um povo colorido, todo homem,mulher, garoto e garota [Colored people, colored people, colored people, colored people, yeah] [Colored people, colored people, colored people, colored people, yeah] [Ó sim, ó sim, povo colorido,Povo colorido, povo colorido, povo colorido]

Composição: George Cocchini/Toby McKeehan

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