Every chance, every chance that I take Every chance, every chance that I take Toda chance, Toda chance que eu ganho I take it on the road I take it on the road Eu levo para a estrada Those kilometers and the red lights Those kilometers and the red lights Aqueles quilômetros e luzes vermelhas I was always looking left and right I was always looking left and right Eu sempre olhava para os dois lados Oh, but I'm always crashing in the same car Oh, but I'm always crashing in the same car Oh, mas eu sempre estou batendo No mesmo carro Jasmine, I saw you peeping Jasmine, I saw you peeping Jamine, eu te vi chorando As I pushed my foot down to the floor As I pushed my foot down to the floor Quando arrombei a porta com o pé I was going round and round the hotel garage I was going round and round the hotel garage Eu estava dando voltas pelo garagem do hotel Must have been touching close to 94 Must have been touching close to 94 Devia estar chegando quase a 94 Oh, but I'm always crashing in the same car Oh, but I'm always crashing in the same car Oh, mas eu sempre estou batendo No mesmo carro