Waiting for the last time Waiting for the last time Esperando pela última vez For my friend to change my mind For my friend to change my mind Meu amigo mudar de idéia Waiting for the last drop Waiting for the last drop Esperando pela última gota Seems like a long long time Seems like a long long time Parece ser um longo longo tempo Maybe I should go back home Maybe I should go back home Talvez eu deva voltar para casa I'll sit and wait right by the phone I'll sit and wait right by the phone Eu sentarei e esperarei bem ao lado do telefone Praying over the porcelain throne Praying over the porcelain throne Rezando em cima do trono de porcelana On my dirty sticky floor On my dirty sticky floor No meu chão sujo e pegajoso Ask me what I want Ask me what I want Pergunte-me o que eu quero Easy that's just more Easy that's just more Fácil, é apenas mais How long will I wait for you How long will I wait for you Por quanto tempo terei que esperar por você? Twice as long as I did before Twice as long as I did before Duas vezes mais do que esperei antes Standing in the freezing snow Standing in the freezing snow Levantando na neve fria Maybe you left I just don't know Maybe you left I just don't know Talvez você tenha partido, eu não sei I'll soon be lying on my own I'll soon be lying on my own Em breve eu estarei deitando On some dirty sticky floor On some dirty sticky floor Em algum chão sujo e pegajoso I hope no one can see me I hope no one can see me Eu espero que ninguém me veja The tin man says I'm doing fine The tin man says I'm doing fine O homem de lata diz que estou indo bem That lion ain't gonna get me That lion ain't gonna get me Aquele leão não irá me pegar See that gun right there it's mine See that gun right there it's mine Veja aquela arma que está lá, ela é minha I've painted a face where I burnt the floor I've painted a face where I burnt the floor Eu pintei um rosto onde eu havia queimado o chão Now the face has become my devil's door Now the face has become my devil's door Agora o rosto se tornou a minha porta do diabo Laying in the back room Laying in the back room Deitado no quarto de trás On my dirty sticky floor On my dirty sticky floor No meu chão sujo e pegajoso On my dirty sticky On my dirty sticky No meu sujo e pegajoso