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Shelter House

Casa de Abrigo

Chorus 1 Chorus 1 Chorus 1 Into the shelter house I go, Into the shelter house I go, Na casa de abrigo que eu vá, Where the Spirit of God will flow. Where the Spirit of God will flow. Onde está o Espírito de Deus irá fluir. And I rest in the presence of the Lord. And I rest in the presence of the Lord. E eu descanso na presença do Senhor. I take it everywhere I go, I take it everywhere I go, Eu levar a qualquer lugar que eu vá, And I let everybody know And I let everybody know E eu deixei todo mundo sabe That deep within me That deep within me Que dentro de mim Dwells the power of God. Dwells the power of God. Habita o poder de Deus. In the shelter house In the shelter house Na casa abrigo Of my heart. Of my heart. Do meu coração. Verse 1 Verse 1 versículo 1 Oh Lord, You have blessed me, Oh Lord, You have blessed me, Oh Senhor, Você me abençoou, You have filled me up. You have filled me up. Você tem me encheu para cima. Given me life and the hope to carry on. Given me life and the hope to carry on. Me dado a vida ea esperança de seguir em frente. I thank God that when I'm weak I thank God that when I'm weak Agradeço a Deus que quando eu sou fraco I can call Your name I can call Your name Eu posso chamar Seu nome And walk boldly And walk boldly E caminhar com ousadia In the presence of the King. In the presence of the King. Na presença do rei. Verse 2 Verse 2 verso 2 I am filled with the power and authority I am filled with the power and authority Estou cheio de poder e autoridade To take on any opposition that may rise. To take on any opposition that may rise. Para assumir qualquer oposição que pode subir. I don't care about the circumstance I don't care about the circumstance Eu não me importo com a circunstância I may be in, I may be in, Eu posso ser, Cause I know, Cause I know, Porque eu sei, This power within me never ends. This power within me never ends. Esse poder dentro de mim nunca termina.

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