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The Arrival of Satan's Empire

A Chegada do Império de Satã

The unholy war, when Satan's demons are smeared in blood. The unholy war, when Satan's demons are smeared in blood. A Guerra Profana, quando os Demônios de Satã estão manchados de sangue Feathers fall from angel wings, from the sky. Feathers fall from angel wings, from the sky. Penas caem das asas dos Anjos, do Céu Father Satan gather your legions, it is time to claim your throne. Father Satan gather your legions, it is time to claim your throne. Pai Satã, una suas legiões, é hora de reclamar o seu trono The arrival of your dominion, so long been gone. The arrival of your dominion, so long been gone. A chegada de seu domínio, tanto tempo passou So gather now my legions, it is time to fight for our lord. So gather now my legions, it is time to fight for our lord. Então, una agora as minhas legiões, é hora de lutar por nosso Lorde Hail Satan, scream the masses, smeared in angel's blood. Hail Satan, scream the masses, smeared in angel's blood. "Glória Satã", gritam as massas, manchadas no sangue dos Anjos Lords of war, the wings of twelve, open all the gates. Lords of war, the wings of twelve, open all the gates. Lordes da Guerra, as asas dos doze, ambram todos os portões Fly high into the canopy; bring to me the head of god. Fly high into the canopy; bring to me the head of god. Voem alto no Céu, tragam a cabeça de deus Hell lord, unholy father. Hell lord, unholy father. Lorde Infernal, Pai Profano Your wish is my command. Your wish is my command. Seu desejo é meu comando I will cut the liar throat; Christian blood will fall to the ground. I will cut the liar throat; Christian blood will fall to the ground. Eu vou cortar a garganta do mentiroso, sangue cristão cairá no chão Demon legions, fly through the gates. Demon legions, fly through the gates. Legiões de Demônios, voem pelos portões Into the darkened sky. Into the darkened sky. No céu escurecido Held up high, the spears of evil. Held up high, the spears of evil. Erguida, as lanças do mal As they run, through angels flesh. As they run, through angels flesh. Como eles correm, pela carne dos Anjos They scream out in pain, as they see their kingdom fall. They scream out in pain, as they see their kingdom fall. Eles gritam em dor, como eles vêem seu Reino cair Angel tears fall to the ground, as Satan again will reign. Angel tears fall to the ground, as Satan again will reign. Lágrimas de Anjos caem no chão, como Satã reinará novamente Lords of war, the wings of twelve, open all the gates. Lords of war, the wings of twelve, open all the gates. Lordes da Guerra, as asas dos doze, ambram todos os portões Fly high into the canopy; bring to me the head of god. Fly high into the canopy; bring to me the head of god. Voem alto no Céu, tragam a cabeça de deus Hell lord, unholy father. Hell lord, unholy father. Lorde Infernal, Pai Profano Your wish is my command. Your wish is my command. Seu desejo é meu comando I will cut the liar throat; Christian blood will fall to the ground. I will cut the liar throat; Christian blood will fall to the ground. Eu vou cortar a garganta do mentiroso, sangue cristão cairá no chão

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