
In Signo Mortis

Em signos mortis

Live...between the wolf in your heart Live...between the wolf in your heart Viver... Entre o lobo viver no teu coração And the cross in your back. And the cross in your back. E a cruz em suas costas. Betrayed by your belief - Betrayed by your belief - Traído pela sua crença -- Sworn to your arms - Sworn to your arms - Empossado em seus braços -- You had never any choice. You had never any choice. Você nunca tinha outra opção. Thou will wander endlessly Thou will wander endlessly Tu vai vadiar interminavelmente In the shadows of thy doubt... In the shadows of thy doubt... Nas sombras do teu dúvida ... Possessed by your desires. Possessed by your desires. Possuído pelos seus desejos. Fight for the wolf in your heart Fight for the wolf in your heart Luta para o lobo em seu coração Against the cross in your back. Against the cross in your back. Contra a cruz em suas costas. See the dark side of thy soul See the dark side of thy soul Veja o lado escuro da tua alma As clear as thou As clear as thou Tão claro como tu Once have seen the sun. Once have seen the sun. Depois que viram o sol. Enjoy the pain that lies Enjoy the pain that lies Aprecie a dor que reside In this tragic beauty In this tragic beauty Neste trágica beleza Of your being. Of your being. Do seu ser. Death is worth to be worshipped Death is worth to be worshipped A morte é digna de ser adorado And damnation consists And damnation consists E danação consiste Of undoubtly truth. Of undoubtly truth. De verdade inquestionável. Thou broke the cross Thou broke the cross Tu quebrou a cruz And fell into everlasting darkness. And fell into everlasting darkness. E caiu em escuridão eterna. Te in signum mortis. Te in signum mortis. Te em signum mortis. Te in corpore immortale. Te in corpore immortale. Te na corpore immortale.

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