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Celestial Voyage

Celestial viaje

As I peered into my mortal cup of mind As I peered into my mortal cup of mind En cuanto me asomé a mi taza mortal de la mente A moleten liquid of penance splashed my eyes A moleten liquid of penance splashed my eyes Un líquido moleten de penitencia salpicó mis ojos Unseen truth, a divine surgery Unseen truth, a divine surgery la verdad invisible, una operación divina Reveals view, windows of faith Reveals view, windows of faith Revela punto de vista, las ventanas de la fe The breeze to a raft of happiness The breeze to a raft of happiness La brisa de una balsa de la felicidad Guiding cue, calmness in a mental lake Guiding cue, calmness in a mental lake Rectores de referencia, la tranquilidad en un lago mental A celestial voyage A celestial voyage Un viaje celeste To reach the shores and bathe To reach the shores and bathe Para llegar a la orilla y bañarse In pools of divine nectar In pools of divine nectar En las piscinas de néctar divino My raft filled with delusive waste water My raft filled with delusive waste water Mi balsa llena de aguas residuales engañosa Shall be drained by holes of wisdom Shall be drained by holes of wisdom Se drena por los agujeros de la sabiduría A celestial voyage A celestial voyage Un viaje celeste To reach the shores and bathe To reach the shores and bathe Para llegar a la orilla y bañarse In pools of divine nectar In pools of divine nectar En las piscinas de néctar divino A celestial voyage A celestial voyage Un viaje celeste To feel the bliss of liquid To feel the bliss of liquid Para sentir la dicha de líquido Healing nectar inside Healing nectar inside La curación de néctar en el interior

Composição: Cynic

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