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a Symphony In Moonlight And Nightmares

una sinfonía en la luz de la luna y las pesadillas

Grief and dread lurk Grief and dread lurk Dolor y miedo al acecho In this land of moodiness In this land of moodiness En esta tierra de mal humor Throe amd agony reign Throe amd agony reign Estertor amd reinado agonía In my pallid body In my pallid body En mi cuerpo pálido Forlorn alone in solitude Forlorn alone in solitude Abandonada solo en la soledad And depressed without her And depressed without her Y deprimido sin ella I feel how I fade I feel how I fade Me siento como me desvanecen No one can avoid this spell No one can avoid this spell Nadie puede evitar que este hechizo Cold are walls of castle Cold are walls of castle Fría son muros del castillo Statues bewail her Statues bewail her Estatuas llorar su Mournful is my glance Mournful is my glance Triste es mi mirada Bloodred are my tears Bloodred are my tears Rojo sangre son mis lágrimas Love and pride Love and pride El amor y el orgullo Are vanished with dawn Are vanished with dawn Si se desvaneció con el alba Light are severed threads Light are severed threads La luz se cortó las discusiones And entwine me in darkness And entwine me in darkness Y a mí se entrelazan en la oscuridad My soul is dying with her My soul is dying with her Mi alma se muere con ella Burning eden in my eyes Burning eden in my eyes Ardor en los ojos eden Forever she falls asleep Forever she falls asleep Siempre se queda dormida With kiss of solar rays With kiss of solar rays Con un beso de los rayos solares By last wintersunset By last wintersunset Por último Wintersunset Lust opens my veins Lust opens my veins La lujuria se abre las venas Darkstorm invokes you Darkstorm invokes you Darkstorm que invoca To be my bride again To be my bride again Para ser mi novia otra vez Angels are suffering in crypts of dead Angels are suffering in crypts of dead Los ángeles están sufriendo en las criptas de muertos From their kingdom they are dethroned From their kingdom they are dethroned De su reino se destronado Bitter in this earth Bitter in this earth Amargo en la tierra On which thistle grows On which thistle grows El cardo que crece Twilight are my forests Twilight are my forests Crepúsculo son mis bosques In white winter snow In white winter snow En invierno la nieve blanca Mystic humidy winds Mystic humidy winds Mística vientos humidy From Carpathia visit me From Carpathia visit me Desde Carpatia visitarme Waving boughs and blade Waving boughs and blade Agitando ramas y la cuchilla Whisper for those who are dead Whisper for those who are dead Susurro para aquellos que están muertos Lucid rivers sink within me till I rise Lucid rivers sink within me till I rise ríos lúcidos fregadero dentro de mí hasta que me levanto Below moonlight amid blizzard infernal Below moonlight amid blizzard infernal Por debajo de la luna en medio de tormenta de nieve infernal Wolves drink my tears Wolves drink my tears Lobos beber mis lágrimas Licking scalds of time Licking scalds of time escaldaduras lamiendo de tiempo Connection of sex and dusk Connection of sex and dusk Conexión del sexo y el atardecer We are once We are once Estamos una vez With your beauty and attractiveness With your beauty and attractiveness Con su belleza y atractivo I was always enthralled I was always enthralled Siempre estuve fascinado And then you have one winter morning And then you have one winter morning Y entonces usted tiene una mañana de invierno Disappeared with forgotten dawn Disappeared with forgotten dawn Desapareció con el alba olvidado Bloodred sky - tragedy sign Bloodred sky - tragedy sign cielo Bloodred - signo tragedia Lycantrophy moon Lycantrophy moon Lycantrophy luna Werevolves and ghosts - creatures of night Werevolves and ghosts - creatures of night Hombres lobos y fantasmas - criaturas de la noche Transylvanian doom Transylvanian doom Transilvania destino [Opus 2: Infernal Howling through Pathless Silence] [Opus 2: Infernal Howling through Pathless Silence] [Opus 2: Aullido Infernal Sin Sendero a través de Silencio] Symphony of moonlight and nightmares Symphony of moonlight and nightmares Sinfonía de luz de la luna y las pesadillas Opening gates of visions Opening gates of visions puertas de apertura de las visiones And my disaster And my disaster Y mi desastre On grave of celestial being On grave of celestial being Sobre la tumba del ser celestial Wolves howl and cry Wolves howl and cry Los lobos aúllan y lloran Remember my princess these words Remember my princess these words Recordar mi princesa estas palabras Again we will fly Again we will fly Una vez más vamos a volar In this theatre of silence In this theatre of silence En este teatro del silencio Where time has no sense Where time has no sense Donde el tiempo no tiene sentido In endless I will see In endless I will see En fin voy a ver My angel dance My angel dance Mi ángel de la danza Dramatic hysteria Dramatic hysteria Dramático histeria Mirrors without reflection Mirrors without reflection Espejos sin reflexión Phantomic reality Phantomic reality Phantomic realidad Vampiric agony... Vampiric agony... Vampírico agonía ... Mysterious secrets keep Mysterious secrets keep mantener secretos misteriosos Land beyond black glass Land beyond black glass La tierra más allá del cristal negro Throwned world from god Throwned world from god Throwned mundo de dios Without glimmer of hope Without glimmer of hope Sin atisbo de esperanza Eternal hunger for living blood Eternal hunger for living blood Eterna sed de sangre viva Nocturnal lost paradise Nocturnal lost paradise Nocturno paraíso perdido Majesty dawn is approaching Majesty dawn is approaching Majestad se acerca el amanecer Pleasure of quiet pain ands Pleasure of quiet pain ands El placer del dolor calma ANDS Know that you always will be Know that you always will be Sepan que siempre será My queen of dreaming death. My queen of dreaming death. Mi reina de soñar la muerte.

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