
Lustmord And Wargasm

Lustmord E Wargasm

An Archangel in bondage An Archangel in bondage Um Arcanjo em cativeiro Bediademed, souled Bediademed, souled Usando o diadema, ganhou alma With a murder of ravens With a murder of ravens Com um assassinato de corvos But no less Astarte to behold But no less Astarte to behold Mas nada menos que Astarte para contemplar Abandoned by Heaven Abandoned by Heaven Abandonada pelo Céu To the dead, dark and past To the dead, dark and past Aos mortos, à escuridão e ao passado Cast Her dispersions Cast Her dispersions Lançara Suas dispersões On life's brittle glass On life's brittle glass No vidro frágil da vida And though Her eyes still held fire And though Her eyes still held fire E apesar de os olhos Dela ainda portarem o fogo As stonewalls caged the beast As stonewalls caged the beast Como muralhas de pedra que aprisionaram a besta 'Gainst the lassitudes of Death 'Gainst the lassitudes of Death Contra as lassitudes da Morte She fought but fell to greet She fought but fell to greet Ela lutou mas sucumbiu para saudar And midst lies in collusion And midst lies in collusion E em meio às mentiras em conluio She was martyred to teach She was martyred to teach Ela foi martirizada para ensinar That "Divinity and Lust That "Divinity and Lust Que "Divindade e Luxúria Are forever forbidden to meet" Are forever forbidden to meet" Estão proibidas para sempre de se encontrarem" But I swore that they would But I swore that they would Mas eu jurei que elas iriam Before the veil could part our embrace Before the veil could part our embrace Antes que o véu pudesse apartar nosso abraço Twixt Her cold, silent hips I kissed Twixt Her cold, silent hips I kissed Seus quadris frios e silenciosos, eu beijara And promised Christendom in flames And promised Christendom in flames E prometi a Cristandade em chamas Gravid with madness Gravid with madness Grávida com a loucura Like a feculent dirge Like a feculent dirge Como uma nênia feculenta That obsesses the heart That obsesses the heart Que obceca o coração I am covened by words I am covened by words Eu estou reunida pelas palavras To avenge Her To avenge Her Para vingá-la Ebon splendour Ebon splendour Esplendor de ébano And surrender And surrender E entregar My soul to the dead to achieve My soul to the dead to achieve Minha alma aos mortos para alcançar Prophecies of libidinous scourge Prophecies of libidinous scourge As profecias dos flagelos libidinosos Horripilation braying o'er carious herds Horripilation braying o'er carious herds A horripilação zurrando sobre os rebanhos cariados Vexing nightmares Vexing nightmares Pesadelos irritantes And their weak prayers And their weak prayers E suas orações fracas To a no one there To a no one there Para ninguém lá To hinder Her decree To hinder Her decree Para impedir o decreto Dela To weed the world of their disease To weed the world of their disease Para capinar o mundo de suas doenças As shadows unblind mine eyes to see As shadows unblind mine eyes to see Enquanto as sombras desvendam Meus olhos para enxergar The meat that is their congregation The meat that is their congregation A carne que é a congregação deles How they plead to the skies How they plead to the skies Como eles apelam aos céus! But this is mere foreplay to war But this is mere foreplay to war Mas esta é uma mera preliminar para a guerra Scar-riddled saffron eves bleed like the conjugal Scar-riddled saffron eves bleed like the conjugal Noites crivadas de cicatrizes Sangram como as filhas virgens conjugais Vestal daughters giving throat to the priest Vestal daughters giving throat to the priest Dando a garganta ao padre A psychophant, the despoiler of faith A psychophant, the despoiler of faith Um sicofanta, o espoliador da fé Now His skinless crucifixion feeds a winged diocese Now His skinless crucifixion feeds a winged diocese Agora Sua crucificação esfolada Alimenta uma diocese alada For Her interred For Her interred Para Ela enterrada I tore a battle banner from His hide I tore a battle banner from His hide Eu rasguei uma bandeira da batalha Do esconderijo Dele Splashed in red goetia Splashed in red goetia Salpicada de vermelho Hues of Hell and deicide Hues of Hell and deicide As matizes do Inferno e deicídio So came the night So came the night Então veio a noite Its obsidian light Its obsidian light Sua luz obsidiana Is a master whom disasters Is a master whom disasters É um mestre a quem os desastres Suck upon like concubines Suck upon like concubines Chupam como concubinas And under black skirts And under black skirts E debaixo de saias pretas That whisper of delight That whisper of delight Que sussurram de prazer Darkseeds near fruition Darkseeds near fruition Sementes negras próximas do gozo Darked deeds to marry mine Darked deeds to marry mine Ações sombrias para me desposar "In Death's bed I have lain "In Death's bed I have lain "Na cama da Morte eu tenho deitado Paying lip-service to shame Paying lip-service to shame Louvando da boca pra fora, uma vergonha But for dreaming of thee I regain But for dreaming of thee I regain Mas por sonhar com ti, eu torno a ganhar A reason to seek life again" A reason to seek life again" Um motivo para buscar a vida novamente" Then we smite the divine Then we smite the divine Então nós atacamos o divino For our true nature is sin For our true nature is sin Pois nossa verdadeira natureza é o pecado To strip tender flesh from these swine To strip tender flesh from these swine Para arrancar a carne frágil desses suínos Like the lick of carnivorous winds Like the lick of carnivorous winds Como a lambida dos ventos carnívoros The breath of the storm that begins The breath of the storm that begins O sopro da tempestade que se inicia By forcing its Herod tongue in By forcing its Herod tongue in Forçando sua língua de Herodes The womb of the holy virgin The womb of the holy virgin No útero da virgem santa To taste of immaculate sin To taste of immaculate sin Para provar o pecado imaculado From temptation's peak we will see From temptation's peak we will see Dos picos da tentação nós iremos ver The world unfurled at last The world unfurled at last O mundo desfraldado finalmente Now the wolves of time who stalk Mankind Now the wolves of time who stalk Mankind Agora os lobos do tempo Que seguem a Humanidade Shall be as one in grim repast Shall be as one in grim repast Serão como um só, no repasto amargo Commemorating sickle moons Commemorating sickle moons Comemorando as luas em forma de foice The pack are poised to reap The pack are poised to reap As matilhas estão prontas para ceifar A scythe of white roses in bloom A scythe of white roses in bloom Uma foice de rosas brancas florescendo Whose twisted thorns will keep Whose twisted thorns will keep Cujos espinhos tortos irão preservar A crown upon a dead man A crown upon a dead man Uma coroa sobre um homem morto Daylights crucified in sleep Daylights crucified in sleep A luz do dia crucificada no sono And lives that hide in scriptured lies And lives that hide in scriptured lies E as vidas que se escondem Nas mentiras da Escritura To the memories of a scream To the memories of a scream Às memórias de um grito And we shall dance amid the ruin And we shall dance amid the ruin E iremos dançar entre as ruínas As Adam and Evil As Adam and Evil Como Adão e o Mal Dizzy at the falling stars Dizzy at the falling stars Zonzo com as estrelas cadentes That burn fiercer in throes of upheaval That burn fiercer in throes of upheaval Que queimam ardentemente Em espasmos de cataclismo If all must we damn for this moment If all must we damn for this moment Se todos nós devemos amaldiçoar este momento Then it shall be so Then it shall be so Então que assim seja For our souls have crossed oceans of time For our souls have crossed oceans of time Pois nossas almas cruzaram os oceanos do tempo To clasp one another more tightly To clasp one another more tightly Para se agarrarem umas as outras com mais força Than Death could alone... Than Death could alone... Do que a Morte sozinha seria capaz... As Zyklon beats reign to make carrion crawl As Zyklon beats reign to make carrion crawl Enquanto Zyklon é lançado Para fazer os cadáveres rastejarem The talons of lust rake a clarion call The talons of lust rake a clarion call As garras da luxúria buscam um chamado estridente To the lick of carnivorous winds To the lick of carnivorous winds Para a lambida dos ventos carnívoros The lick of carnivorous winds The lick of carnivorous winds A lambida dos ventos carnívoros

Composição: Cradle Of Filth

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