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Death Magick For Adepts

Morte Mágica Para Competentes

Come distortured artists Come distortured artists Vem artistas distorcidos Bitter things seek meaning Bitter things seek meaning Bitter procura algum significado Even if they're madness to behold Even if they're madness to behold Mesmo se eles estão contemplando a loucura Once forbears to horizons Once forbears to horizons Uma vez nos horizontes Where the dead stayed dreaming Where the dead stayed dreaming Onde o morto ficou sonhando Now nightmares waken souls Now nightmares waken souls Agora pesadelos acordando as almas That fear the living's toll That fear the living's toll Aquele medo de estar vivendo Gova, Bosch and Brueghel Gova, Bosch and Brueghel Gova, Bosch e Brueghel Three times moonwise stain thy graves Three times moonwise stain thy graves Trêz vezes olhe tua sepulturas For words alone are at loss to trace For words alone are at loss to trace Por palavras perdidas nos traços The face of today's inhuman wraith The face of today's inhuman wraith A face do desumano de hoje One half adrift in the vast abyss One half adrift in the vast abyss Meio à deriva no vasto abismo Of despair and misery Of despair and misery Desesperança e miséria The other a mask of rich red lips The other a mask of rich red lips A outra máscara dos lábios ricos vermelhos Whetted by the fevers of belief and greed Whetted by the fevers of belief and greed Abriu por febres de fé e cobiça All damned in this inferno All damned in this inferno Todos almadiçoados neste inferno Where even Virgil averts his eyes Where even Virgil averts his eyes Onde mesmo virgens previne seus olhos From the black mass mutual gang rape From the black mass mutual gang rape Da quantidade enorme de mútuo bando de estrupos Of Caesing hands an forced divides Of Caesing hands an forced divides De mãos forçadas divinas Trespass these seven gates Trespass these seven gates Invadiu nestes sete portões To a world bloodlet to shades To a world bloodlet to shades Para um mundo das sombras Where Seraphim bleat Where Seraphim bleat Para Onde Seraphim deixa sangue nas sombras Of their cold and coming Master's race Of their cold and coming Master's race De seus frios e vindo a raça Mestre In the seweres of Babylon In the seweres of Babylon Nos esgotos da Babilonia Stillborn to a trough anon Stillborn to a trough anon Natimorto para uma depressão de Anon Chimiracles will hatch like plots Chimiracles will hatch like plots Milgres irão comunicar como conspiração To dredge faeces to pearl their cross To dredge faeces to pearl their cross Para dragar faces para pérola de suas cruzes Enter Penteholocaust Enter Penteholocaust Entre em Penteholocaust! Five aeons past, yet still Man grasps Five aeons past, yet still Man grasps Cinco passados de Aeons, ainda agarro o Homem At final straws to save his cast At final straws to save his cast No final das contas para salvar dele His Lord is a leper we shall not want His Lord is a leper we shall not want Seu Senhor é um imbecil e nós não queremos He betrayed us with white lies He betrayed us with white lies Ele traiu-nos com mentiras brancas His acrid pall as of the tomb His acrid pall as of the tomb Seu manto acre como de um túmulo Reminds us how we rot inside Reminds us how we rot inside Lembra-nos como nós apodrecemos dentro Gutted like fool's paradise Gutted like fool's paradise Farturou como um paraíso tolo Glutted on cruel appetites Glutted on cruel appetites Farturou sobre apetites cruéis... Holding court to chaos Holding court to chaos Segurando a corte do caos Folding to far graver arms Folding to far graver arms Pregando muito longe os braços do coveiro A downfall fatal to all resounds A downfall fatal to all resounds Uma queda fatal para todos ressoa As orgies peak in self centred psalms As orgies peak in self centred psalms Quando as orgias do apogeu dela centrou em salmos And nature screams her sufferings And nature screams her sufferings E a Natureza grita pelos sofrimentos dela Under bowed and cankered wings Under bowed and cankered wings Sobre asas reverenciadas A bleak scorched Earth necrotica burning A bleak scorched Earth necrotica burning Uma sombria Terra queimada Like the robes we've torn from her Like the robes we've torn from her Como os roupãos que nós tinhamos rasgado dela She begs us lay her pain to rest She begs us lay her pain to rest Ela pede-nos para colocar sua dor para descansar Lest we are left with nothingness Lest we are left with nothingness Para que nós sejamos deixados com nada Save for her stripped and ravished flesh Save for her stripped and ravished flesh Salve a Sua desnudada e extasiada carne And if her fate is not portent of Apocalypse And if her fate is not portent of Apocalypse E se o destino dela não carregar o Apocalipse Then the comets that graxe nightskies Then the comets that graxe nightskies Então cometes aquele pecado nas noites estreladas Will surely cleanse of wrongs and reichs Will surely cleanse of wrongs and reichs Seguramente irá purificar o mau When you and I and all else dies When you and I and all else dies Quando você e eu e todos os outros morrerem... It's rotting down It's rotting down Está apodrecendo abaixo This carcass Maggotropolis This carcass Maggotropolis Esta carcaça de Maggotropolis Interdependent as worms to the grave Interdependent as worms to the grave Dependente quanto aos vermes da sepultura Allah's true name is naught Allah's true name is naught Verdadeiro nome de Alá é zerado Chist cannot save Chist cannot save Cristo não pode salvar Locked in a waltz of evermore frantic steps Locked in a waltz of evermore frantic steps Fechou em uma valsa de frenético passos Spells of regret Spells of regret Encantos de desgosto... Death Magick for Adepts Death Magick for Adepts Morte Mágica para Competentes Be prepared to fulfill prophecies Be prepared to fulfill prophecies Esteja preparado para cumprir as profecias The glorious fall of a sin dynasty The glorious fall of a sin dynasty A gloriosa queda da dinastia do pecado Gutted like fool's paradise Gutted like fool's paradise "Nós tínhamos corações tecidos Glutted on cruel appeitites Glutted on cruel appeitites num espinho de pérgula We've woven hearts a thorn arbour We've woven hearts a thorn arbour Deixou a lágrima traçada Left tear streaked reason upon the shore Left tear streaked reason upon the shore sobre a razão da costa And bereft of compass, star or more And bereft of compass, star or more E da bússula, estrela ou mais Set out for this World's end Set out for this World's end Partir para este fim de mundo Few at the prow, most slave below Few at the prow, most slave below Poucos na proa, mais escravos abaixo Painting coal a perfect gold Painting coal a perfect gold Pintando um perfeito ouro em carvão But for all it's worth, the engines slow But for all it's worth, the engines slow Mas para tudo é o valor, os motores lento Dead in the brine again Dead in the brine again Morto na salmoura outra vez Come cabin fever, sodomy on the bounty Come cabin fever, sodomy on the bounty Venha febre de cabine, sodomia na generosidade Prey to phallus seas Prey to phallus seas Preso nos pênis dos mares That hiss and foam to douse disease That hiss and foam to douse disease Aquele assoviu e aquela espuma para encharcar a doença A storm roars on the way A storm roars on the way Uma tempestade ruge à caminho Blacker than the Ace of Rapes Blacker than the Ace of Rapes Mais preto que o Ace de estrupos Dealt out by Death in darkwood glades Dealt out by Death in darkwood glades Acordar através da Morte nas florestas escuras Our ship of fools, all boards handmade Our ship of fools, all boards handmade Nosso Barco de Tolos, todoas à bordo feito a mão Sinks, dashed by seismic waves Sinks, dashed by seismic waves Dores, frustração por ondas sísmicas..."

Composição: Cradle of Filth

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